Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Is Life Less About Discovering Yourself and More About Creating Yourself?

#1. Is Life Less About Discovering Yourself and More About Creating Yourself?

Is Life Less About Discovering Yourself and More About Creating Yourself?

Since the beginning of time our universe has been going straight through a process of creative evolution and, as far as we know, this process will continue infinitely. Based on our current insight we can assume that a huge mass of hot stuff randomly came together for a chaotic and random bump and grind for 13.5 million years and here we are!

Is Life Less About Discovering Yourself and More About Creating Yourself?

But despite the chaotic appearance of the early Kosmos it's purpose appears to be to generate conditions that can reserve sentient life. If you are in any doubt about this purpose you need just to remind yourself that the journey from measure particles to whirling dust clouds, to exploding suns, to spinning planets, to early inanimate and then animate organisms has led to your consciousness and therefore your ability to doubt this proposition.

The study of evolution has revealed that after a long line of mutations that complex a type of land loving fish, a group of opportunistic voles and a herd of drunken monkeys, we humans emerged and ultimately started communicating with each other. We invented language and swiftly advanced the habit of mental in words as well as pictures and started describing our touch of the world colse to us.

And that's when all the problem started, because that's when we began to 'create' rather than discover our reality.

We began to observation things in the environment and communicate population and places as if they were discoveries. In other words, we 'realised' things.

Let's look at that word 'realised' for a moment.

Realisation - Noun

1. Advent to understand something clearly and distinctly.

2. Development real or giving the appearance of reality.

3. The act of creating something by thinking.

4. The act of bringing something to completion or fruition e.g. A musical combination that has been completed or enriched by someone other than the composer

5. An act of co-creation - A hybrid touch of discovery and creation.

The last definition is my own interpretation and I offer it for the purpose of this article. I would like to recommend that we human beings are 'Realisationists'. And I'd like to additional recommend that we mostly generate rather than discover ourselves and the world colse to us.

How many of humankind's early beliefs and ideas were presented as so-called discoveries made by individuals who had claimed to have the ear, or even hear the voice of some higher power? Probably all of them. But what if the individual/s concerned had imagined a confidence or idea at an unconscious level, but mistakenly processed as a message or discovery?

A mystic might call this revelation.

Psychologists might call this delusion.

A realisationist would call it creation.

Think about this - psychologists know that our capacity for short term memory is microscopic and notoriously unreliable because as we recall events we seem to add microscopic details that are often false. Even after the first version of a story has been told it continues to be added to (or realized) from someone to someone in the retelling. We are constantly creating self fulfilling prophecies as we 'realise' our experiences, our histories and our futures.

In the last sixty years humankind has advanced and evolved technologies that have helped us to evolve as a species by allowing us to manipulate both the workings of our own bodies and our environment. We even have the ability to recreate the conditions for life (and even the big bang) in a test tube.

We are now in effect co - creators of the world.

Science and particularly physics seems to be about experimentation and documenting factual discoveries, but on closer inspection we discover that when scientists try to communicate subatomic particles, they're basically Development it up as they go along.

Everything is fine until they get beyond the level of atoms and then the science becomes like a fairy tale.
This is because physicists can't in effect see the things that atoms are made of, they can only measure their effect on the world, but they give them names like Quarks, Gluons and Leptons to bring them into reality. Any way their story was grand adequate to put men on the moon and latterly led to the creation of the Large Hadron Collider in Cern where they can recreate the 'Big Bang' in a small tunnel.

So in many ways some scientists claim to have discovered things in the world but in effect they generate models and narratives in a kind of clear delusion that brings into being a new reality. In fact when dealing with the measure world of physics where particles just pop in and out of existence, the estimation of a proton relies on an 'observing' scientist to collapse reality, with his or her observing mind, in order to bring the particle into being.

Less a discovery and more a 'Realisation'.

So what does it all mean?

It means that nothing is in effect discovered independently of human realisation as all we touch begins as, and continues to be, an act of psychic creation, with each and every one of us as a contributor. This means that we can either resolve to be a hostage or a player in someone else's reality or we can realise our own.

However, the reality we realise can take some forms.

If my realisation is based on my own needs (Personal, Ego- centric reality) I might begin to think I am the most important someone in the world and serve only myself. While my reality may not adversely sway anyone else I may ultimately begin to have delusions of grandeur and behave in extremely selfish and reprehensible ways. This could lead to disappointment and anxiety for both myself and others who find they have to deal with me.

If my reality is centered mainly colse to my family and my race (Tribal, Ethno-centric reality) I might think that only my people, our way of life and our beliefs are the 'right' way and therefore the most important. I might then devalue the culture of others and view them as inconsequential or even as a threat.

However if I realise a Human-centric reality I will think of all peoples on the planet as one.
This is a best reality but I may view human life as the most important and fail to take the environment and other living beings fully into consideration.

If my realisation is Global, Eco-centric I am aware of the environment and all living creatures on earth. Any way I may come to be irrationally protective, territorial and aggressive to those who do not see and treat the world as I do.

If my reality includes and encompasses all of the above I may be realising a Universal, Kosmo-centric reality and serving the top purpose of all. In this reality I 'realise' that every particular living being is the manifestation of one source and has as much right to exist as I. I am also aware that the only permanent state in the universe is change and I may therefore be inclined towards the evolution of consciousness for the continued good of all sentient beings.

The message here is that our personal realisation of reality is dependent on our centre of self and the stage of personal amelioration that we have reached. Therefore, even population who are already 'realising' their own reality can be out of alignment with the whole and remain unfulfilled.

Lets come back down a microscopic and try and value exactly how we as individuals are part of the larger, creative process of realisation.

The fact that everybody of the multitude of cells, Dna and genes in our bodies works together to keep us alive and healthy without any aware intervention from us is remarkable in itself. Any way if you remember that our cells, Dna and genes are operating in assistance of the human species as well as the private you may begin to understand that some of the key, biological mechanisms of your body are not acting exclusively for you alone. They are driven towards a higher goal of which you are a part, and that's why they help to keep you alive.

They may be working on the assumption that you'll come to be a aware contributor towards the goal they serve. How they realise what their goal is could come to be the field for an additional one narrative but it's important to understand that in order to keep your cells, Dna and genes happy and yourself healthy, you'll also need to in effect fully 'realise' what that goal is.

Some of us will be aware that our minds have three aspects: Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious. The aware mind is filled with the thoughts and actions we seem to have chosen to think and do, then there is the inner voices of 'conscience' that chatter away in the back ground from our subconscious minds. Ultimately there is a level of non verbal, unconscious processing going on in our brains that is primal and totally out of our awareness and aware control.

Evidence of this realm is in the thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere and surprise us: an unexpected observation, a explication to a qoute or a sudden insight or emotion. Any way these thoughts and feelings were being processed sub or unconsciously and simply emerged when the time was right. The available literature and research on creativity has much to offer in terms of how the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious aspects of the mind works to solve problems and produce art, music and literature. It may be safe to say that many of the processes in our bodies and minds that we call our own (my thoughts, my feelings, my heartbeat, my breathing, my immune system) operate independently of our aware control.

James Lovelock, in his Gaia hypothesis, suggests that living and nonliving parts of the earth are a complex interacting principles that can be conception of as a particular organism, with all living things having a regulatory effect on the Earth's environment. If there is a proliferation of one species, or type of organism the equilibrium will be disturbed and generate dis-ease on the planet. There is some venture as to how exactly the earth deals with imbalance and by which mechanisms, but that she does, is in microscopic doubt. There is adequate literature surface this field so we don't need to dwell additional on examples.

We might then think of all consuming and aware beings, animals and insects included, as the consciousness of the planet much like our own mind is the consciousness of our bodies with the power of the multiples of cells, Dna and genes collectively contributing to that consciousness. If we can accept that we are not just 'on' this earth but in effect 'of ' the earth, we will understand that as long as we realise goals that reserve the earth's evolution we will continue to synergistically evolve ourselves. If not, we will ultimately come to be extinct.

Incidentally, it has been noted that the Internet may be the first stage of an evolving, global consciousness. How long before we connect to it organically?

What if we now apply this holistic, earth model to the universe itself?

We might think the whole Kosmos to be a living organism, early in its evolution, consuming by a creative, consuming power that is evolving multiple life forms in multiple locations straight through which it will come to be aware itself.

The power of evolution may then come to be focused towards a condition of unification, wholeness and stability with all life forms in the Kosmos interconnecting and collectively amounting to a super consciousness of a total and infinite being. A conception once described as the Omega point by the clergyman and philosopher Teilhard De Chardin.

If we were to accept the above idea then we may be seeing transmit to an evolution of self that will lead to eternal life in the best of all possible conditions. With aware evolution we may be able to bring this eternal state to fruition or we can ignore our accountability and perambulate along in an eternal cycle of life and death.

The challenge for us human realisationists then is that if the purpose we realise is out of alignment with the larger scheme of things it will lead to either our destruction or the destruction of our species, our planet and maybe even the Kosmos itself. If this idea is right then this makes our need to realise our own purpose in a way that serves all humanity and the bigger photograph an imperative.

Ultimately the human journey seems to be about the touch of being human, the delight of learning and the joy of realising ourselves as the power of creation and evolution.

So relax, all will be fine once you start to 'realise' who and what you are.

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