Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Take operate of Your Life - Part Ii - explication Identification, hint and Implementation

--Physical Science Current Events of Take operate of Your Life - Part Ii - explication Identification, hint and Implementation--

Take operate of Your Life - Part Ii - explication Identification, hint and Implementation

Especially in the current age of credit crunch, financial problems, public problems and other uncertainties, we need something more than our sincere concerted efforts to take our life to part levels of improvement, filled with considerable levels of achievement. That is the gap which this age old technique of Horoscope based diagnosis and gemology based holistic solution will abridge. Our analogy is based on other analogies given by separate habitancy with respect to astronomy, astrology, Aura, Yoga, gemology etc. We think it has given us sufficient testimony to indicate as to how planets sway human beings, why gems can be used to counteract those effects etc. This record attempts at taking a more scientific view of this revolutionary approach to expanding ability of life.

Take operate of Your Life - Part Ii - explication Identification, hint and Implementation

As was stated in Part I, Planets sway us. How? The radiations emitted by each planet sway our thoughts and hence our actions. (Effect of Celestial Objects on Earthly objects). Why do radiations of earth not sway us? Since we are already in that electro-magnetic radiation field and our bodies are attuned to it.

So how is it physically possible for planets to sway us? They are so far away? - Just like suns rays come down to the earth and sway the life on earth, the very gravitational pull and energy, due to which the whole science of Newton's theories are based, the very same way planets themselves have their own gravitational troops and electro-magnetic radiation, which to anyone millionth or a billionth degree reach the outside of the earth. Modern day science whether does not have the equipments to prove this or has discarded any such affects as negligible since they are so small.

But when we come to think of it, the very neurons in our brains, which are affected by these forces, are themselves one millionth or one billionth in size of our body. And small impulses in them cause us to raise our hands, run, or drive a car, an aircraft, to think etc. At that scale of things it does seem quite logical that we may be influenced by those very electromagnetic radiation / forces.

We know that we all have Aura - or Levels of consciousness of thought. We will approach the sway of radiations from the planets not from a physical angle (as explained above) but from an auric angle, since that ties in with loads of other mystic and oriental sciences and the goals they are trying to perform at a body-mind-spirit level essentially higher ability of life or life balance. (We will leave the physical connection of Aura / Levels of consciousness to our thoughts and actions, to the discoverers of Aura) One other point, which will link in to our next topic of discussion, is that radiations of separate planets sway our separate levels of consciousness or aura differently and they do so at a subconscious level. Each Planet is linked with a separate nature and behavioral characteristics. How it affects a man and an linked consciousness level is dependent on where in the zodiac the planet is positioned, what was its aspect etc.

Second question why then in the horoscope chart, do we refer to the position of planets at the time of birth to predict events probably 5 years, 10 years, 20 years or even 70 to 80 years down the line after the birth?

Very logically then, at the time of birth is the first time when our subconscious levels of consciousness interact with these celestial planetary radiations. And our levels of consciousness get attuned to receiving and processing those radiations from that planet or celestial body in the same particular way. Which we may recall is like our nature or, the way we think or act or react. The way our levels of consciousness receive and process these radiations from each of these celestial bodies or planets is hard-wired and cannot be changed, just like our nature. So if the planet is unfavorably settled at the time of birth our levels of consciousness will comprehend and process those radiations from that planet in the same very way, always.

That brings us to yet another important question. So are we destined to behave, think, act or react always in a clear way? The write back is a yes and a no. A yes because if we do not make any endeavor then we are destined to behave in a way we are conditioned to. If we make further endeavor or take further measures then we can convert the way we act or write back despite being conditioned in a separate way.

Continuing on the above reasoning, development endeavor to think, act and react differently against your own natural way of reasoning or the normal conditioned way of thinking, is quite very difficult. Some habitancy do yoga to raise the level of consciousness and hence increase a level of operate on oneself, one's own nature or natural reasoning direction and hence can sway the courses of action one would normally take.

The other recipe which would be useful here is something like a catalyst (an external agent) which can act subconsciously to sway the levels of consciousness and hence our reasoning process and our action and reaction capability. This is where Gems come into picture. There is a ideas that separate gems sway separate levels of consciousness or Aura. This brings us to our solution identification or definition phase (of the Life question solution seeking process).

So as per our earlier analogy if separate planets sway separate levels of consciousness or Aura and separate gems also sway separate levels of consciousness or Aura, so there we have our question creators and solution providers.

So this is all good analogy and nicely fits in with why Astrology and how Horoscope diagnosis and gem based solutions work to counteract or develop affects of planets. But the question still remains as to - how does it convert the fact that when I will get married, or how I can get that promotion - how I can enhance my life situation?

We strongly believe Life events are but a blend of situations and our responses to them. There are situations where we can't do much about. But most of the situations we face, we more often than not, think - Was that our best response. Probably we could have done better. So based on where we are today, it is because of a series of situations and the way we perceived the situation, then acted or reacted to it or responded to it. That again presented us with a more suitable or unfavorable situation and we again responded based on our ability to write back favorably or unfavorably. And this series of suitable or unfavorable situations and actions becomes whether life strength, if it was a series of suitable situations and responses or a life problem, if it was a series of unfavorable situations or responses. So if we want to better our situation in any walk of life, then we ought to be responding to situations more favorably, which will then gift us with even better situations and the snowballing or chain reaction goes on, giving improvement, in that walk of life.

So even with Astrology or Horoscope predictions, what it precisely means is that with a particular planetary blend (trillions and trillions of combinations are possible), clear life events or situations will occur in a clear sequence, if a man does not make any further effort, did not have any external influence. So the accuracy of prediction will differ by that much percentage, it again depends on external influential factors, how strong they are. That's why for Children below the age of eighteen (roughly - maybe lower, depending on when the child has started becoming independent), the prediction does not make sense. Because they are minors and most of their decisions are taken by their guardians.

So linking in to our original discussion on using gems to sway our thoughts and actions, using the above analogy, wearing gems makes us write back to situations in a more suitable way. Since they act at a subconscious level, so we don't even comprehend that we are doing them consciously. This in-turn presents us with a more suitable situation and we write back to it better and this chain reaction continues and we see a big improvement in that walk of life. Hence wearing gems to enhance life situation does not happen overnight. It takes time for the chain reaction to gain momentum, to show as a considerable improvement in that life aspect. And it does it holistically, i.e. It also improves all the other walks of life which it touches or is linked to.

Sometimes we may be development a lot of endeavor against our own very conditioned nature, we still don't get results. Because we are acting against ourselves. That makes the whole process a whole lot difficult. Wearing gems makes the whole process faster, getting desired results earlier, since they act at subconscious levels.

How often have we felt the last mile to be the most difficult in our entire journey? How much so ever we try, things just get past us and we don't get the results we want or they are slow. How much do we crave for that promotion? How much we want that occupation break? How much we want that extra money? Our financial situation to improve. How much we crave to get the best partner for our life? How much do we want a thriving relationship? How much do we want to have a child of our own? How we want our children to do well in life? How much do we want our business to shoot off with flying colours? How much we want to enhance our life? How much we want to better our life situation?

We can take operate of our life, by bettering our life situation in the old proven scientific revolutionary way of -Life question identification and question diagnosis via Astrological Horoscope analysis, and solution suggestion and solution implementation -via gems.

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