Saturday, September 8, 2012

Chichen Itza Discoveries

--Physical Science Current Events of Chichen Itza Discoveries--

her comment is here Chichen Itza Discoveries

Einstein says "Where the world ceases to be the scene of our personal hopes and wishes, where we face it as free beings admiring, asking, and observing, there we enter the realm of Art and Science."

Chichen Itza Discoveries

Observe, observe! Ed Tucker, the only man to teach Silva Mind control without taking their course, had told me that was all I needed to do twenty years earlier. His advice, and the thoughts of great population like Heisenberg, Bacon and the Magi had reinforced on my independent and questioning arrival that had brought me a long way. Lydia and Bucky Fuller had made it clear to me that with 'creative realization' anything was possible! It was a 'heady' time in my life. It seemed the more I lost myself the more I was rewarded. Yet at the same time I dared to think that I could resolve what was right for me and I undoubtedly wasn't fully committed to a purpose. The book I had just completed seemed to be a starting rather than an end but I didn't know where that starting was headed. In retrospect I was still too self-involved with my need for a allowable mate and the book was just a 'dumping effort'; not at all something that could be expected to set the stage in anything small way for the 'New Age of Man-kind'. I knew I had some insights that would be helpful from history and I knew something big had happened and was in process spiritually.

It felt awful good to know they had rewarded me with all this knowledge. My mural/decree had brought Barbi and all these things into my life with a near 'frenzy'. Here I was 'head over heels' with a young woman who was teaching me about empathy and demonstrating her willingness and capability to grow, as much as I could have hoped for. I was 'in tune' and waiting for the next 'event'. Barbi and I headed for Cancun, where I could take a side trip and see my first Pyramid, at Chichen Itza. I expected something big to happen! And I could remember the re-incarnated Mayor of Old Sacramento who I had met some twenty years earlier. He said he had discovered many Mayan sites in his old life.

The trip was prepaid, along with hotel, but when we arrived at the Mayaland Hotel they had no record of our reservation. Barbi was upset which can undoubtedly happen if you expect efficiency in México. I on the other hand, began to feel my body hair 'stand and quiver'. Fate was smiling on me but Barbi wasn't. My explanations about what was 'intended' just added to her frustration. She commanded that I should, "Get the owner! And straighten this out."

It was no question except that they had no rooms at The Mayaland that evening. The owner was quite pleasant and said she'd arrange a place for us at the 'Club Med' asset up the road. When I told Barbi who had been watching the luggage, she wanted to be sure we could come back for the entertainment at the Mayaland and asked if I had ascertained how this had happened? I replied that it wasn't anyone's fault and that she would soon see we were the best off for it. I didn't need any intuition to feel her mounting disgust with my arrogant certainty that it was about to happen. There had been other events of synchronicity and weirdness in our time together for the old thirteen months and I had told her that her energy had been very foremost all of these things that had happened. I was 'in the flow' and she couldn't enumerate to my elation. We took our stuff and went the concentrate of hundred yards up the road to the 'Villas Archaeologique'. It was the place that the population who had excavated the site a hundred years or so ago, had stayed in.

Upon walking into the courtyard, I was even more determined something 'special' was going on! The place was like a museum in a jungle gazebo and even smelled the way it should. I was finding at all the artifacts and carved rocks in their displays or among the plants. Barbi saw a lizard and called me to look at it among the patchwork or white spotted vines. The earlier statues were much more refined and Greek looking. Why had no one mentioned this in any of the literature? I was undoubtedly 'stoked'! The more recent Mayan statues had this gargoylish long-tongued mammal that Barbi had told me during the week in Cancun that reminded her of me. I was so sure anything could undoubtedly see the degradation of a community over many millennia. Barbi said it could have been her Greek ancestors who had come to Central America. The dates on the statues would make that fit my 'traveler' law as well and she had to agree it sure would make the Columbus fiction she had learned in school seem 'cooked'.

I was determined that anything could see the work of Churchward and MacDari might be vindicated by this art alone. Churchward claimed Mu had a higher culture and technology and Barbi had to agree the older artistry was in every way superior. "I wish MacDari and Churchward had met here to collate their notes." I enthused. "Just as the Kelts (Toltecs) and Lemurians did."

"Well if they met here they probably met in the Indus and became the Phoenicians as you say, too. But we need to get to the temple or pyramid, Bob!"

I was trying to 'feel' the proximity of 'The Red-Headed League' (of Megalith Builders) that my early-life literary friend Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes had turned me on to. The scientific field of their unified club or original League of Nations called the Tuatha de Danaan seemed more likely the makers of these fine works of art. I forget how long it was before Barbi took me by the hand and brought me back to the conjecture we were there in the first place. She insisted we drop our luggage in the room and get to the top of the Temple of the Moon or Kukulcan 'poste-haste'. She was into that approximately as much as I was grooving on the Etruscan/Phoenician or Mu/Kelt relationship to this part of the world. It had taken me by surprise but still I felt there was more, and off to the room we went. It was cooler in the small room, and as we freshened up I pestered Barbi for a celebration.

"Bob, we don't have time for all of that."

"Just a 'quickie!" I pleaded.

"You don't know the meaning of the word." She joked as she ran away from me and out the door.

As we rounded the first corner of the courtyard I saw the employer in front of us, talking to a group of 'turistas'. I waited anxiously as Barbi tried to push or pull me towards the exit. At what appeared to be an 'opening' in their conversation I brazenly asked, "Can you direct me to what is undoubtedly foremost here? I'm not concerned in the 'official' Mexican government position that the tour provides!?"

He responded in his best English combined with a calming French type accent. "I don't know what you mean, Sir?!"

"I mean I know the Mexicans and their Franciscan forbears aren't concerned in having the Mayan population of Chiapas and elsewhere getting to know the degree of pride they should have in their heritage."

He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Barbi tugging on my arm. I was sure he knew more than he was allowed or willing to tell me. I was convinced I wasn't going to get any encouragement from him, so I followed Barbi who was into her 'mall walk' that I always joked about. Her small legs were quite fine and when she wanted she sure knew how to use them, like when shopping.

"You know, I might learn more if we took the tour." Barbi said in a half-hearted manner with full knowledge that I was not going to listen to their lies which included the Mayans not having existed before the time of Christ. We were walking past the token booth where they collected five dollars or so when Barbi behold with conviction. "You know everybody isn't into the same things you are.

"Many population would agree with her criticism of my often intense public behaviour. "I make no apologies for being willing to examine authority and act in a right and growth oriented or 'open' manner. You are getting pretty good at it yourself lately, you know!" I said as I squeezed her hand.

At that time Barbi and I were living apart, but we had lived together for about six months during the time we had known each other. Her sexual abuse issues had been faced but the character and programming of behaviour that had been her life for so many years were still under the microscope or being evaluated. She had just turned twenty five and I was forty three years along in this current incarnation.

I had read about the buildings on the site more than once and I was most concerned in finding the 'Pelota' where they had played a game with a big ball. The winner of this game got to choose who would die! Thus I figured, it was likely that sometimes the winners chose death. You wouldn't fantasize that a team with ten players would make this kind of decision without some major motivation. As we walked together in the hot sun I told Barbi that the Persian roots of the game Parcheesi were not necessarily the real origin, by saying. "The early MesoAmerican Indians played a game just like Parcheesi that some historian/anthropologists said was Persian."

"Is that the game like hook and ladders?" She replied as she saw some Greek finding columns up ahead, and began a near trot.

I had read Carlos Castaneda a lot and always had wondered about his teacher/brujho's claim that he was the last Toltec. I conjecture he was claiming to be the last pure Toltec and since the time I was at Chichen Itza I have discovered more sources that indicate they were not indigenous population but most likely Ovates of the Keltic tradition. The teachings of Don Juan as reported by Carlos and then performed by him, include dimensional shifts and time or immortality issues, that I felt were related with this game in the 'Pelota'. Barbi had heard my law a few times I guess and wanted to have 'fun' egging me on to explicate why some teams of winners might choose death.

Carlos Castaneda had been a Ucla anthropology trainee when he began his relationship with the 'cult hero' Don Juan and his sorcerer friends like Don Gennaro. The rumor was that Carlos did no longer exist in this bodily frame of reference and that the journalists who waited to interview him at his publisher's offices had always been frustrated. He would deliver his books from time to time and the journalists or paparazzi would chase after him. When he would duck into a stairwell and they would converge on him from above and below he wouldn't be there anymore. I didn't think any journalist who undoubtedly understood his work would be concerned in being a journalist once he was an adept. The Castaneda debunkers have their position that they understand everything he writes but I am sure they don't.

It requires a great deal of right conception and attunement to shift bodily dimensions or dematerialize. Barbi and I had been watching a cable access show called Tootlevision after its host Harry Tootle. We had seen Al Bielek describing his work as a physicist dealing with the nature of Time and its seven levels of a helical nature. The universe seems to expand, with the logical progression from lesser to greater cardinalities playing the role of time. I knew that 'viewing' time straight through the Philosopher's Stone had given many population like the priestly Michel Nostradamus the comprehension to his confusing quatrains. The work of David Ovason in Secrets of Nostradamus is the best I have found on that matter.

I had met some population who had more than just premonitions and I had had a concentrate of them myself. It seemed to me that parallel or alternate universes had a part to play in the confusion. I think deja vu is a very common time frame feeling that is at the earliest stage of the helical buildings of time.

The pyramid that you always see pictures of, in reference to Chichen Itza, dominates a plaza or field of immense proportions with large spaces in the middle of each of the main buildings. The Observatory or Caracol was being worked on and was unavailable for entry at the time of our visit. I found the Parthenon like columns of interest after having seen the statues at the 'Villas', and we walked among them first. It was getting hotter by the exiguous and it was very humid.

"Bob, I'll race you to the top of the Pyramid!" Barbi called to me as she came running up beside me. It wasn't going to get any cooler and August in Mexico is always hot. I guess I would have asked her to do it herself and tell me what she was able to see from the small altar room at the top, if she hadn't challenged me in this way.

"When have you ever beaten me at anything physical, Short Stuff?" It didn't matter to me, either this was the preeminent Kukulcan jaguar cults' pride and joy or not, by the time I reached the top. It was my original concern to not breathe too hard so that my younger lady wouldn't think I was too old or something like that. She was excited and rushed to me with news that she had gone under the altar and had been able to see the original temple buildings below.

The Popul Vuh is the Bible of the Mayan peoples, or I guess I should say what the Bible purports to be. The historical and legendary traditions and laws of their ancestors; had mentioned the current temple was built colse to an earlier one that the jaguar cult of Kukulcan had built. It says that three brothers from across the ocean to the west; designed and led their ancestors to build this structure. I knew the estimate three was an allegory relating to the Triune Nature of Man and that some population who intimated they were Mayan agreed that Mu was their original motherland.

I think the very existence of the Mayans had been presented as a no longer existing factor at some time in the twentieth century: it was because they intended to wipe them out. I know in Mexico that many in the government wishes that were the case, and I know the Mayans had successfully kept away from the Spanish for many centuries since the Franciscans came to rob and ridicule them. Their mercenary brethren like Cortez had tried their damndest to 'make it so'. At this time I was not sure I had undoubtedly met a Mayan except at Fritz's once, a few months earlier. I found out more about these things later in an extended visit that included living in Belize for about five months. The Mayans had been much more than their primitive Aztec conquerors. In fact the Aztecs held the Mayans in very high esteem and basically plagiarized the Mayan calendar and anything else they could. The Mayan still have a racial clarity N �����ัดเจน that makes them look like their original ancestors from the Orient or Mu.

As I re-energized, Barbi and I hugged in the proximity of a vista once shared by a priesthood of austere and unproven origin who I was sure we could learn a lot from. The Mayans have a saying that can be expressed in many distinct ways that goes like this: "Don't put yourself in front of your Self!" The soul is our true nature for sure; I mused as I saw Barbi's wide-eyed excitement and shared her awe of this beautiful view. I felt vindicated in my zeal or often apparently ludicrous chase of something others only gave a modicum of care about; but much more was 'in store' for us that overwhelming and 'freaky' day.

"Bob, I undoubtedly feel that I am somewhat responsible for bringing some of these things into your life. The truth is you bring them or make them a reality for me, in ways that no one else could. I don't tell you that I love you enough, do I?"

"Yes, Barbi, you do. But, I always love to hear it." We kissed before starting the more difficult journey down the side of the pyramid.

It was so steep going down that it was overwhelming to both of us that they allowed old and infirm tourists to do it alone. Barbi probably made some crack about me having to do it on hands and knees some time in the near future. There were some old population and even some who weren't so young who did this at some tricky points on the descent to 'terra firma'. I was still naive adequate to think the Mexican government and its fifty extended Spanish families that owned everything, had some kind of ethic. This illusion was rudely and totally corrected in my next visit to this land where might is still right. I guess I conception that they followed some kind of international agreements that would have given population some kind of consideration under laws that reflect a minimum of morality. It is a near feudal country and the evil of feudal times is not removed as a cancer from the human body!

We headed directly for the 'Pelota' after reaching the ground. This construction was ominous, and we saw the royal box looming high above the field where the 'little people' played out their life and death game or struggle. I felt a sense of bleakness even though I knew that death was not much more than a stage in something far larger. How I wondered, could other population be entertained by such heartless manipulation and degradation of their fellow man?

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