Saturday, September 8, 2012

Becoming One, citizen and Planet - Awakeing to Self

In our contemporary times, not only have we separated ourselves from our planet, we seem to be on a mission to destroy it. However, if the planet is destroyed, where are we to live? This demand strikes such fear in us that many try to ignore it, as it seems that one man is not enough to stop the tide of destruction. At the same time, most of us are having problems of our own. New diseases have surfaced, and many feel exhausted and confused about why we seem to feel different than we ever have before.

Could these two events be connected? Is it potential that "disaster" is the chaos that precedes great transformation? Again, what can one man do? On the other hand, what if we were unquestionably more than one person? What if the man that we appear to be today has vast, untapped potential that has been lost in the fight for survival in everyday life? We are currently using only 10-15% of our brain, and scientists have told us that up to 90% of our Dna is "junk Dna."

If we can rise above our fear and live in the unity of love, perhaps we can awaken vast, untapped abilities; for where in nature is an organism only 10% functional? The riposte is, when they are in their chrysalis form. We have been programmed by the world nearby us to believe that convert is frightening (a fear in which a caterpillar is too "uninvolved" to experience). Yet, we can look into our lives and remember times of great convert where we were frightened that, perhaps, we would not make it through. Later, sometimes much later, we find that our life is much improved.

Could it be that this vast destruction could also be a transition? There are many aged prophecies that attest to that fact. If, indeed, we are in a time of great transition, we need to activate our inner resources and concentrate soldiery with like-minded others. These "others" include our planet, the living being with whom we are a part. It is "time" now that we awaken to our true Self, for 10% of our potential is not enough to face the task at hand.

The Light Of The One

We are that "Light of the One." However, when we were born, our great Light passed through the prism into our third dimensional earth vessel. We then forgot our Multidimensional Self and became "just" a third dimensional human. If we can awaken to the fact that we are more than our earth vessel and remember that "we" are the Light that fills this vessel, and much, much more, we can remember our true, Multidimensional Self.

Once we become One with our Self, we become One with every other Being of Light who has passed through the prism into the third dimension. In fact, we then become One with the Being, Gaia, as she was named in early Greece, our planetary Self. Actually, one man at a time, we are starting to remember that we were all the time One and we just forgot.

To fully remember, each of us must go into the depths of the man that we are Now to find our roots, deep in the core of Gaia, and share our great, Multidimensional Light with Her. Gaia, in turn, will share Her Planetary Consciousness with us to assist us in remembering that We are the Light of the One-the One we are Becoming.

Awakening To Our Self

As we awaken to our true, Multidimensional Self, our consciousness will progress to encompass truths that we have long since forgotten. One of these truths is, "Everything is alive-because Nothing is isolate from the life force of the One." When we were "primitive," we believed that all things nearby us was alive and part of the Great Mother. However, as we became "civilized," we separated our self from our environment, from others, and from our Multidimensional Self. Instead, we identified our "self" with the earth vessel that carried our Light and the ego that has been its Captain.

This divorce has created many innovations and inventions, but it has also created great fear. No longer is Earth our mom and the living Being who protects us and affords us a place to live and evolve. In our separation, not only have we forgotten how to recite with the planet that we are a part of, we have become her enemy and treated her as poorly as, well, as poorly as we treat other humans. In fact, we treat Gaia as badly as we often treat ourselves. It is fear that creates this misconduct, for adrenalin fills our body and our body goes into survival mode.

Unfortunately, fear is far too natural to many, many people. How can it not be? We have to safe ourselves and our loved ones from a world that is constantly in flux. On the other hand, what if we could spend one day, or even one hour, perceiving all things as alive and an element of our Self who, in turn, is an element of the Planet? Would we behave differently than we do under the 3D Paradigm of Separation?

What reality would we originate in a world where all things is alive and a portion of our total Self? This Self is unquestionably already inside of us, waiting to be activated with our "conscious intention." aware intention is often something we don't have "time" for in our busy lives. Nonetheless, with practice, aware intention can be just as well-known to you as fear is now.

In reality, if we are not consciously intent on living in love, fear, which is a natural reaction to today's changes, will take over. Two antidotes to fear are information, as fear thrives in ignorance, and love, especially love for our selves. For how can we "live in love" if we don't "feel" love. through remembering our true, Multidimensional Self, we can caress the Unconditional Love that constantly flows from the Self that we have forgotten and the planet whom we have made into a "thing." Love is free and infinite, for love is a vibration that resonates to the Light of the One from whence we came.


The early morning light

shines through the window

glistening and dancing

across the table.

Now is the time to remember,

remember our Self.

Now, when the light is near,

we must allow it to enter deep within

to recite our Self and

awaken aged memories

that know all,

feel all,

think all,

love all.

For only in

knowing our Self,

can we truly know another.

Only in

trusting our Self,

can we truly trust another.

Only in

receiving ease from our Self,

can we truly ease another.

Only in

loving our Self,

can we truly love another.

We have many "selves," for we are the sum total of every person we have ever been and all things we have ever experienced. Most of our many selves are "unconscious" to our everyday life, which is quite fortunate or we would be thoroughly overwhelmed. On the other hand, we have some extremely evolved people who are lost inside our unconscious mind, as well as some very wounded people whom our distinguished selves could love into healing. Love, is the curative force of the Universe. Love is an vigor field which expands and unites. Hence, it is the exquisite balance for fear, an vigor field that constricts and separates.

It is time Now to issue the illusions of divorce from our true Self, so that we can be free of the illusionary limitation that we have been taught by a world filled with fear. One of the first aspects of our self that we need to recover is our inner child, so that we can secure our remarkable imagination. Imagination is the brick and mortar for creating the life that is just beyond our trust in limitation; for, how can we originate that which we cannot imagine? Imagination is the core of creativity, as it allows us to embrace that which is so different that it seems impossible.

Wake up, now, from the dream that you believed was reality,

and your true Self will be revealed like the parting clouds recite the Sun.

Our aware Dimensional Bodies

Our third dimensional body is regularly ruled by our aware mind, but when we have the courage to dip into the shadows of our unconscious mind, we begin to heal our wounded child. This curative creates a distinguished catalyst for change. It does not matter how we change, for each one will convert in their own way according to their own directions. What matters is that, as we heal our wounded child, we slowly begin to associate with our Divine Child, who holds the memory of our true, Multidimensional Self. With the awakening of our Divine Child, we slowly become "conscious" of some of the innate abilities of our true Self.

Unfortunately, many of us may feel as though we must hide our new abilities for fear of judgment from others. On the other hand, if we are courageous enough to "come out of the closet" and say things such as, "I met an angel in my dreams last night," or "I knew you were going to say that," or openly admit that we have awakened to our multidimensional powers, such as precognition, telepathy, empathy, instincts, telekinesis or clairvoyance, we serve to make it safer for others to "come out" as well. Many of these abilities have been shrouded with superstition and disbelief, but as more and more of us come forward, what has formerly seemed "different" will become "normal."

This fear of being different began long ago with the superstition unleashed by the Dark Ages. At that time, whatever that was different from what was considered "normal" was bad. Hence, if man accidentally remembered their Multidimensional Self and openly expressed it, they were considered different. Worse yet, they were considered evil. Hopefully, we have evolved enough in this duct of time that fear is no longer the first reaction to a unique experience. Psychic powers are not evil or even magic. They are natural abilities of our Multidimensional Self.

We are on the verge of a paradigm shift. Once we plan the world was flat and the Sun rotated nearby the Earth. As we progress our consciousness beyond the accurate confines of the third dimension, our perceptions also progress so that we can consciously comprehend beyond the limits of our third dimensional reality. Yesterday's science fiction becomes today's scientific fact, and our unconscious and superconscious minds become consciously accessible in our everyday life. Some of the multidimensional abilities that we will secure are:



n. Knowledge of something in progress of its occurrence, especially by extrasensory perception.

Precognition, finding into the "future," is the fourth dimensional potential to move beyond the constraints of 3D time and into the mutable time of the fourth dimension. Once we have practiced our sense of precognition we can even discriminate in the middle of a "possible reality" and a "probable reality." A potential reality is a option of the ego and a probable reality is a directive from our fifth dimensional Self. If we are in tune with our Self, we will likely welcome, and select to experience, that reality by filling it with our desire and aware intention.



n. Apparent transportation from one mind to someone else without using sensory perceptions.

Telepathy is the potential to read, or have a "knowing," of someone else person's thoughts. An example would be when we riposte a demand that the other man has not yet spoken. It is a fourth and fifth dimensional ability, which is a natural consequence of either intriguing beyond the constraints of third dimensional time and into the more fluid fourth dimensional time, and/or intriguing into fifth dimensional consciousness where all life is blended in unity with the One.



n. Direct identification with, insight of, and vicarious caress of someone else person's situation, feelings, and motives.

Empathy is the potential to feel someone else person's emotions. It is a second dimensional potential shared by "primitive" tribal societies, herd animals, and/or birds in a flock. An example of this is when our pet comes up and nudges us in an attempt to ease our sadness. Other examples are a mother's insight of what her nonverbal child needs and a healer's deep knowing of how a inpatient feels.



n. The movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means.

Telekinesis is the potential to move objects with our mind. It is a fourth and fifth dimensional potential which allows us to move objects through space without the workings of our corporeal body. In our fourth and fifth dimensional self, our mind, emotions and intentions are more distinguished than our muscles. Therefore, we can displace objects by combining our thoughts and emotions with our aware intention.



n. An inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimuli: the spawning instinct in salmon; altruistic instincts in public animals. A distinguished motivation or impulse, or an innate potential or aptitude: an instinct for tact and diplomacy.

Instinct, which is an innate "knowing," is someone else second dimensional potential based on our "primitive self" who has the potential to tune into the planet to know where water is, what food will heal us or poison us and the location of our "tribe." If we "give a horse his head," he will find water. Animals in the wild know what food they are meant to eat and what food will hurt them. Birds in a flock all take off in the same exact second. Animals in a herd migrate as one being. If humans are "more evolved" than these animals, why would we loose that ability?



n. The power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses; acute intuitive insight or perceptiveness.

Clairvoyance is the potential to see objects that resonate to the fourth dimension and beyond. As we progress our consciousness, our perceptions progress beyond the confines of the 3D spectrum of light. Hence, we can "see" objects and beings in the fourth dimension and beyond.



n. The power to hear things outside the range of normal perception.

Clairaudience is the potential to hear sounds from the fourth dimension and beyond. With practice, we can all recite with realities that resonate to frequencies beyond the third dimension.



n. The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition. Knowledge gained by the use of this faculty; a perceptive insight, a sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.

Intuition is the potential to concentrate the perceptions of the fourth dimension and beyond, such as vision, hearing, proprioception (our location in space) and smell. All these abilities are derived from our brain's functioning beyond the 10-15% range that is considered "normal."



n A health of spiritual awareness; divine illumination; "follow God's light. The degree of visibility of your environment, an interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding.

Illumination arises as we surrender our ego to our fifth dimensional Soul/Self to become One with the Now of the higher dimensions. Just one 3D occasion of such Union can set us on a Path that takes most of our life to journey.


This term is not found in customary dictionaries.

Clairsentience is the umbrella term for all psychic senses together. When we are clairsentient, we can entrance our wide senses to smell, see and touch someone else person's aura, hear someone else person's thoughts or feel their emotions.

As we associate with our Multidimensional Self, we feel an inner urge to progress our abilities beyond the limitations of the society in which we live. Our Self gives the courage to "come out" with our latent abilities and to ignore the judgments of others who are still afraid of change. The world is uniting, thanks to the few who have the vision to forge ahead where others are afraid to change. It is the unperceived affect of our Multidimensional Self that is creating this change. Dream the convert that will occur as we consciously identify and unite with our greater Self.

The aware Mind

What does it mean to be "conscious" in the corporeal plane? Does it mean plainly to be alive or does it mean also to be aware? And, of what are we aware? Actually, to which of the myriad perceptions do we select to consciously attend? Our corporeal life is not just what we hold in our daily, aware mind, it is also the potential to be "conscious" of what we try to hide deep inside ourselves. We all have many memories secret in our unconscious mind, as well as in our superconscious mind.

To be truly "conscious" in our mundane life we must also be aware of these secret portions of our total consciousness. Otherwise, we will not have entrance to all of our potential choices of perception. While we are petite to the logical, sequential processing of our third dimensional consciousness, we cannot attend to the constant bombardment of multidimensional stimuli. Therefore, we must filter out most of what we comprehend and remain aware of only a small portion of our total life experience. All that we have chosen to ignore is then stored in our unconscious and superconscious minds.

These "perceptual filters" are created by our beliefs. Our beliefs affect our expectations, and, in turn, our expectations affect our perceptions. For example, if we believe that the world is a hostile place, we will expect to see an enemy nearby every corner. Then, since we believe that the world is hostile, when some one comes nearby that corner, a normal man with a vast and paradoxical range of thoughts and emotions, we expect to see an angry threatening person.

Therefore, we are aware of only the portions of that involved man that are expressing anger, as we have filtered-out the portions of that man that are kind and loving. Then, because we have chosen to comprehend this involved man as being angry, we feel a need to "defend" ourselves against this "angry" person. With our fear and anger, we amplify the fear and anger in this stranger. Voila! We have created an enemy, and we have also reaffirmed our trust that the world is a hostile place.

On the other hand, let us say that our trust is that the world is commonly a loving place and that most people are of good nature. Now, on the very same day, at the very same time, we walk nearby the same angle and meet that same involved person. Because we believe the world is commonly a loving place, we expect the approaching man to be friendly. Therefore, we smile warmly and say hello.

Since we are warm and friendly, we amplify the portion of this stranger that is also warm and friendly. Also, we expect a kindly reply, so we filter out the portion of this man that is frightened or angry and select to comprehend the portion that is friendly. In this scenario, it is likely that the man will riposte in the same manner in which he or she was addressed. Again, we have affirmed our trust by "unconsciously" choosing to comprehend that which is consistent with the expectations of that belief.

Creation Of trust Filters

How were the beliefs formed that created our formed? trust filters are custom-made based on a hierarchical system. In other words, what is most leading comes first. And, what is most leading of all is survival. potential in all species is the "fear for survival". Once this fear is activated, we originate systems that contribute a customary coping mechanism so that we can survive. For example, if we are a man who believes that the world is a hostile place, we were likely raised in a frightening environment. In order to survive to adulthood, we learned to believe that every person and all things was a potential threat.

Therefore, we staggering an enemy anywhere and were constantly prepared for battle. This establishment for battle became a "primary coping mechanism," and, even though the external danger finally left, our establishment for "war" was stored in our unconscious self. This unconscious trust ideas then directs our expectations and eventual perceptions. Hence, we are now recreating our childhood environment.

On the other hand, if we are a man who believes that the world is a loving place, we were likely raised in a safe and caring environment. Or, perhaps we worked through our early fear and anger and have found a way to believe in love. either way, we have learned to believe that the world is a loving place or, at least, we have learned to believe in the power of love. Therefore, we are now able to filter out the surrounding negativity and be aware of the positive.

The fact is, not many of us are able to come into adulthood without some fear, anger, loss or pain. However, if we are somehow able to find love, we can use our past trauma to identify real, "not perceived," danger so that we can safe ourselves. All of us are now experiencing, or have experienced, a reality that was created for us by our families, our past, and our society. These realities are based on beliefs that were programmed into our consciousness.

Some of these beliefs have assisted us, but some of them have created great limitations in our potential to expect, and perceive, the safe bet and loving aspects of our third dimensional life. Our beliefs can be changed, but habit is powerful. The reality that is well-known brings comfort, even if it hurts. Therefore, how can we break out of the habitual beliefs of the well-known and dare to step into an unknown and unfamiliar reality?

Changing Our Reality

To convert our reality, we must transmute our trust in fear and limitation into a trust in love and freedom. When our trust ideas is based on fear, we feel isolate from the world nearby us because our view is that every person and all things may try to harm us. However, when we learn to believe in love we feel united with the world. every person and all things can then be viewed as a new occasion to caress love.

Belief in fear and limitation creates a self-image of being a victim, "The world is my enemy, and I am its victim." On the other hand, trust in love and leisure creates a self-image of empowerment, "Somehow I created my reality and since I created it, I can convert it." It is in switching from "living in fear" to "living in love" that we can alter the basis of our trust systems. Only then can we begin to convert the reality that we experience. This convert takes time and understanding, but if we can identify that our experiences are lessons, we can begin our transformation from a dependent victim to a dependable leader.

This transformation has three phases: being "dependent," being "independent," and being "dependable." every person moves through these stages of consciousness. Since we are all involved people, we often move through these phases more speedily in some areas of our life and more slowly in others. Usually, it is in the areas of our life where we have known love that we can transform quickly, and the areas that have caused us fear that transform more slowly. Unfortunately, these fear-filled areas of our life often become our personal nemeses, and we return again and again to address the same old issues in a new way. Fortunately, we each have only a few of these "stuck" places. These areas of our life are our many challenge, yet they also contribute the many occasion for personal growth.


The flower opened slowly

because I plan it must.

The labor was so painful

because it seemed unjust.

The sky was dark and dreary,

for tears had blurred my sight.

But, love returned and called the Sun

to turn me towards the light.

My Spirit whispered to me

in riposte to my call,

"Come here, my dear, and listen

and I will tell you all.

You are inventor of your life

in each and every way

by the actors you perform with

and the dramas that you play.

What occasion are you choosing?

What torment are you losing?

Open up your heart, my dear.

Fill it full of love, not fear.

The journey is beginning.

Your leisure you are winning.

Live life in surrender,

Allow your Soul to choose

Walk upon the path of love,

There's nothing you can lose."

At last I know, I am aware,

I remember what I knew.

I welcome in a brand new life.

The old one now is through.

Excerpted from Becoming One, people and Planet: A hand-operated for Personal and Planetary Transformation

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