Thursday, September 13, 2012

Three Major Concepts of Psychoanalytic system - A Brief Summarization

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Science Current Events 2011! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Sigmund Freud was most noted for his five stage principles of human development. This principles originated straight through his notice and thorough documentation of adults' recollections of memories while therapy sessions and was conceptualized by Sigmund Freud himself. Freud began his work in the 1880's, and by the end of the 1890's, his principles began to take on more of the formal attributes of its five stages. The principles was in response mainly to patients with hysterical symptoms who had reported sexual traumas that occurred early in their lives and the subsequent repression, or subconscious "pushing away", of these sexual traumas as well as other uncomfortable thoughts of previous life events. Although a ample report of all of the underlying assumptions about Freud's principles of personality principles and the massive quantity of information that he wrote while his lifetime that would be virtually impossible to sum up, even over a period of many years are far beyond the scope of this project, some of the major assumptions will be discussed. However, with respect to the ample knowledge base and for the benefit of greater understanding of the five stage theory, it is my notion that, prior to discussion of his stage principles of personality development, it is primary that his theories of the division of the mind and his components of personality are mentioned as these two major concepts are intricately intertwined with his five stage theory.

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How is Three Major Concepts of Psychoanalytic system - A Brief Summarization

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One major notion and underlying assumption of Freud's principles subdivides the human mind into three confident categories. According to his theory, the components of the mind comprise the conscious, pre-conscious and sub-conscious areas (Freud, 2002 revised ed.). As is implied by the title, the known mind consists of those things of which we are currently aware and to which we are currently attentive. The known mind also includes our current reasoning processes, behaviors and environmental awareness. Hence, it can be obviously closed that the known mind constitutes the major part of our current awareness. This notion can be validated as most habitancy have, on occasion, heard statements from others such as, "I have a clean conscious", or "I was not known of that at the time", in casual conversations. Also According to Freud's Theory, the preconscious mind consisted of all those things of which we are aware, but currently are not attentive (Freud, 2002 revised ed.). He added conceived that we can pick to pay concentration to these and deliberately bring them into the known mind. Finally, with respect to the pre-conscious mind, Freud believed that we can operate our awareness to a confident extent, from focusing in very closely on one known act to a wider awareness that seeks to expand consciousness to comprise as much of preconscious information as possible. At the subconscious level, the process and article are out of direct reach of the known mind. The subconscious thus thinks and acts independently (Freud, 2002 revised ed.). One of Freud's key findings was that much behavior is driven directly from the subconscious mind. This has the alarming consequence that we are largely unable to operate our behavior, and in single that which we would sometimes prefer to avoid. More up-to-date investigate has shown that the subconscious mind is probably even more in fee of our actions than even Freud had realized Murphy, 2001).

Three major components of personality were included in Freud's massive, ample theory. These components comprise the Id, the Ego and the Super ego. The Id contains our primitive drives and operates largely According to the satisfaction principle, whereby its two main goals are the seeking of satisfaction and the avoidance of pain (Freud, 1962). Freud goes on to say that it has no real perception of reality and seeks to satisfy its needs straight through what he called the former processes that dominate the existence of infants, together with hunger and self-protection. Unlike the Id, the Ego is aware of reality and operates using the reality principle. The reality principle implies that the Ego recognizes what is real and understands that behaviors have consequences. This includes the effects of communal rules that are primary in order to live and socialize with other people. It uses secondary processes such as perception, recognition, judgment and memory that are industrialized while childhood. The dilemma of the Ego is that it has to somehow equilibrium the demands of the Id and Super ego with the constraints of reality (Freud, 1962). The Ego controls higher reasoning processes such as reasoning and problem-solving, which it uses to solve the Id-Super ego dilemma, creatively seeing ways to safely satisfy the Id's basic urges within the constraints of the Super ego. The Super ego contains our values and communal morals, which often come from the rules of right and wrong that we learned in childhood from our parents and are contained in the conscience. The Super ego has a model of an ego ideal which it uses as a prototype against which to compare the ego and towards which it encourages the ego to move. The Super ego is a counterbalance to the Id, and seeks to inhibit the Id's pleasure-seeking demands, particularly those for sex and aggression.

Now we turn to what is the most famed aspect of Freudian theory, the five stages of human development. This principles sprung from Freud's observations of adults' recollections in therapy of their lives (Freud, 2003 revised ed.). He stated in this work that children were not directly observed. Although Freud's principles has been roundly criticized for its lack of scientific character, it does stand any way as a grand metaphor for describing personality. The stages of amelioration comprise the Oral Stage which is the first stage. This stage begins at birth and generally ends at almost 2 years of age. In the oral stage, infants and toddlers survey the world primarily with their most sensitive area, i.e., their mouths. They also learn to use their mouths to communicate. The next stage is the Anal Stage. This stage commonly begins colse to 2 years of age and last for about a year. In the anal stage, children learned to operate the elimination of corporal wastes. The Phallic Stage is the next stage. It generally begins at colse to 3 years and last until about age 5. The Phallic Stage is probably the most controversial of all of the stages because of the strong sexual underlying principles with respect to opposite parents at such an early age in life. To added explain, the controversy comes from Freud's description of the Oedipus and Electra complexes, with their attendant concepts of castration anxiety and penis envy, respectively. The Oedipus complicated refers to a son's sexual attraction to his mother while the Electra complicated implies just the opposite. Those complexes lead, According to Freudian theory, to normal differentiation of male and female personalities. The defense mechanism of repression was invoked to explain why no one could remember the events of this stage. In this stage, Freud also theorizes that children survey their sexual differences and inequalities. The phallic stage is followed by a Latency period in which slight new amelioration is observable. In this stage, boys play with boys, and girls with girls, typically. Sexual interest is low or non-existent. The final stage is the Genital Stage. It started colse to 12 years of age and ends with the climax of puberty. Sexual interests re-awaken at this time. However, the sexual interests that come about while this period are thorough and are toward genuine partners rather than opposite parents.

It is my assertion that an arbitrary and somewhat capricious character can absolutely be closed from Freud's theoretical framework. As it did with me, the importance of the divisions of the mind and the major components of personality with respect to decision manufacture processes and thorough progression straight through each stage of amelioration should also come to be apparent. To added explain, a person's level of awareness of self and surroundings should be directly proportional to a prosperous transition from birth to adulthood. The earlier in life this awareness begins should also growth the likelihood of prosperous personality development. Freud's assumptions about the function of communal work are not clear, but it does appear that a firm understanding of his major concepts would be very beneficial to have when working in applied communal settings. That is to say, with respect to applications in real time communal work institution situations for example, it would be most advantageous to know if a someone has successfully and functionally industrialized as an adult, if they have a keen sense of awareness or if repression of past memories are factors. I truly believe that the aforementioned applications are also the major strengths of Freud's theory. As previously mentioned, Freud's work was so ample that it is difficult, albeit not impossible, to decide its efficacy in most cases. The way I see it is that in most cases Freud was successful. Although it can not be accurately or adequately quantified as compared to applied behavior analysis, for example, it appears that the application of his concepts could be beneficial to most anyone.


American Psychological Association. (2002). Publication hand-operated of the American Psychological association (5th ed.). Washington, Dc

Freud, S. (1962). The Ego and The Id (The thorough Edition of the unblemished Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud). N.Y., New York. W.W. Norton and Company

Freud, S. (2002 revised ed.). Three Essays on the principles of Sexuality. N.Y., New York: Basic Books

Freud, S. (2003 revised ed.). An form of Psychoanalysis. N.Y., New York: Penguin Classics

Murphy, Joseph (2001). The Power of the Subconscious Mind. N.Y., New York: Bantam

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Aquarians and the advent Age of Aquarius

#1. Aquarians and the advent Age of Aquarius

Aquarians and the advent Age of Aquarius

Twelve Nations of the Zodiac Each of us cycles through the Signs of the ancient Zodiac, though the order of this cycle is not known. While here on Earth we meet members of The Twelve, each forming a mystical 'nation' with language and customs all its own.

Aquarians and the advent Age of Aquarius

Even if you are not an Aquarian by Sun Sign, it can be well worth some investigation! You may have someone very important in your life who is an Aquarian and a minuscule extra insight can only help. And, everybody has the Sign of Aquarius governing one of the 12 houses in their birth chart. If this is the 1st house, Aquarius is your Rising Sign or Ascendant and really, is the "other half" of your Self, partnered with your Sun Sign. If you have some planets (or the goddesses or Lilith, Chiron, Saturn, or Uranus, for example) in Aquarius, then you are more of an Aquarian than you know!

If you contemplate you have Venus in Aquarius - or Mars in Aquarius - this can change your entire self-understanding, for Venus rules not only our partnerships - including marriage - but to a large extent our friendships and the ability and tone of all our relationships. This is true of the material world we attract into our life, including of course our financial resources.

Each of us, at some point in our Earth History, is born into the Aquarian Sign, probably many times in the course of great Cycles of Time here on Earth. As we head into the Age of Aquarius, we are, in a way, all Aquarians now, for we will collectively taste the Aquarian archetype in a way not seen on Earth, for a long, long time...

We are not sure when The Age of Aqarius begins. Some think it began in the Sixties, with the explosion of the Baby Boomers into the world. Some feel it will start when Pluto, the karmic and evolutionary planet par excellence, moves into Aquarius in 2023 and remains there through 2043. The Age itself will last nearby 2,000 years, and if Uranus and Saturn have anything at all to do with it, we may have to hold onto our hats! Nothing about the Sixties was simple. The transformations begun were deep, mysterious and in some ways, even disturbing...much Uranus earthquake debris has had to be revisited, and sorted through, by Saturn. In any case, here's to the Age of Aquarius - it looks like we'll be looking the Maps as we go along...

Sun Sign as Archetype Each Sun Sign represents a major Archetype or cosmic pattern - a flowing, dynamic field of energy which enfolds, shapes and interacts with a given person, two people, or group of persons - even nations - in a given time. An Archetype is an emanation of God - one of the energy Patterns/Stories in the Creator's Mind. Hence we refer to the archetypes as gods and goddesses. They are mysteries which we honor, and whose force we acknowledge and respect.

Archetypes encompass Past, gift and Future. They also comprise their own opposites, which in a way, helps us to work through their main "lesson" - the moral of the story. Each has a strength, and each its weakness or Achilles heel. Like the great tales from mythology, we connect, as the Hero of the story, with qualities within us - the Dark and the Light - of which we had been thoroughly unaware. As we come to know these mysteries of the Self, our story unfolds outward, to join with, and to become part of, the World we generate with others.

The Sun Sign is one of the Hero's many Roads - the one we have chosen for this life...we cannot put it in a bottle or under a microscope - any more than an actor or actress can become too self-conscious when acting their role. We have to throw ourselves into being ourselves - and not look back in over-analysis or too many "if only's..." We are on a journey of exploration and self-expression in the cosmos. We are not entirely in payment of this journey! So ride the wave and don't be too involved about the negatives of your Sun Sign - because those negatives are unquestionably part of the positives, but this we only understand in the plenty of time.

Aquarius * Bearer of Mysterious Waters The Water Bearer - sticker of Aquarius - hints at a heavenly or esoteric essence, which Aquarius alone brings to humanity. The Waters are associated with life-giving water for the planet Earth - and this may lie in the primary "gods" who taught irrigation to early human beings on the planet (see Enki, below). The Waters are also said to be symbolic of the waters of spiritual life - Aquarius symbolized baptism in some faiths, including Christian.

Ancient teachings hint that the "waters" are unquestionably a kind of force field or energy field, better understood through physics than through the earth sciences and the waters of our oceans and the rains. The Waters of Aquarius unquestionably appear to be associated with Neptune, but this may be less to do with the seas on earth, and more to do with a kind of Cosmic Sea. There are a great many Sumerian tablets whose writings comprise a rich mythology, which, as Zecharia Sitchin has suggested, may unquestionably be history, and not legend. Beginning with The Twelfth Planet, Sitchin lays out what the tablets say about the gods/astronauts who came to the Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. Astrology - in terms of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, and the celestial and earth timing used by the astronauts, played a vital role in the visits of these "gods" and their role in creating humanity along with establishing rich gardens of civilization across the face of the earth.

In a entertaining description of how our solar law was created, the "gods" describe in information the primary act of belief in the middle of a solitary pair of planets floating in a rich sea of Waters which became the Petrie dish for the creation, one by one, of each of the major planets in our solar system. As a final touch in the somewhat turbulent emergence and stabilization of the solar system, it was said that it was Neptune's odd, magnetic, hypnotic energy field which finally held the other planets in their orbits. Interestingly, Sumerian records show that these early "gods" - and the Sumerian civilization they nurtured - knew about all the planets in our solar system, including Uranus, "discovered" in 1781 which is the outer planet that co-rules Aquarius with Saturn. They also associated Aquarius with maybe the most superior of all the astronauts, a "god" called Enki.

Enki * ancient Origins of the Aquarius Archetype Enki is very similar to Prometheus, who stole Fire from the Gods to give to Mankind. The theme is oddly the same, for Enki gave to early humanity the practical plans and blueprints for civilization, such as the science of irrigation. Enki is said to have defended Humanity from his brother gods, when they were disappointed with our moral weaknesses (specifically, obsession with sex, it seems), and to have given the plans for the Ark before the Flood to the primary Noah, whose story was later, along with others, lifted from Sumerian records to form the early books of the Bible.

Enki was always associated in Sumerian records with Aquarius, but was also in some contexts associated with the sign of Capricorn (planet Saturn) and sign of Pisces (planet Neptune). It appears that this triple designation comes from both the "ages" in which he visited and worked on Earth, and to the kind of work, as a science officer, he performed. If Enki is the greatest archetype for Aquarius, this may be why Aquarius is more complicated - and also more mysterious - than is so often portrayed in Astrology.

Earth-Centered Aquarius Enki was the science officer and genetics specialist. The ancient tablets from Sumer state that it was Enki, with the help of a mum Goddess who was also a expert in this area, who physically created humanity. They did this by blending the Dna of one of the young gods with that of early Man - a "primitive" found already evolving on earth. Enki loved humanity as a father, in that sense, and continued to raise and develop all civilization, as he was the keeper of the great technological keys for agriculture, irrigation, and much more.

Aquarius represents, through this extraordinary historical record, a unique bridge in the middle of the "gods and men" - including the genetic bridge. This creates an aura of difficulty nearby Aquarius as a sign, and suggests secret reasons why Aquarians always feel as if they are "strangers in a strange land". As participants in the Enki archetype, Aquarians do feel an immense sense of connectedness and indeed, responsibility for, the fate of humanity. Humanitarian issues like refugees, feeding the hungry, leisure of movement, speech, belief and association are all concerns to which the Aquarian, and the Aquarius part of each person's birth chart, will resonate. The formation of international bodies such as the War Crimes Tribunal and the United Nations is a direction for humanity which Aquarians will tend not to see as some fearful New World Order but rather welcome its coming as leisure from the tyranny of secretive houses, closed off villages, nations behind barbed wire, and so on. As we shall see, Aquarians promote leisure and revolution (Uranus), but justice, order and world courts (Saturn) too.

Aquarius "remembers" that while we carry the genes of the early humans within us, we take out "image" from those who came from the Stars - out there. These memories convey a keen sense of destiny beckoning us toward the starry heavens. We feel them awaken in astrology, astronomy, Nasa, science fiction, Star Trek, Star Wars, and in our longing hearts as we look upwards on a clear night. The Aquarian essence of humanity reminds us, collectively, of our destiny...that we are not forever earthbound, but will become a song of Life on the solar winds. Just as ancient space travellers like Enki helped to carry out the Creator's plan, so we too will carry ourselves, as the Seed Children, to other planets, other systems, other worlds.

Saturn and Uranus - Chakra Wheels of Aquarius We come to understand the sign and archetypal energy of Aquarius through the story of Enki - science-oriented, rebellious, freedom-defending archetype of Enki - Bringer of Gifts to Humanity. But there are other forces at work in Aquarius and other ways to meet and understand this sign. There are the two huge planets that rule Aquarius - Uranus, The Great Awakener and Saturn, Father of Time and Lord of Karma. The Aquarian can best be understood as a someone and as a force for change when we understand these two planets and how they work together.

Whether you are an Aquarian or have one in your life, you may find you have signed on for deep, often violent, shocking awakenings - these resonate to Uranus, the contemporary ruling planet of Aquarius. Any way - the awakening of Uranus seems then to be followed by a period of equally intense shaping, disciplining, teaching, and chastening energies - these will be Saturn, ancient ruler of Aquarius, and known as the Lord of Karma!

So Uranus brings revolution, but Saturn goes back, retraces the steps as to why the revolution was needed, examines the science and religious doctrine involved, and works out new Laws to comprise and direct the new architecture rising on the ruins that Uranus has left behind.

The Aquarian Archetype and its ruling planets are about violent change, upheaval, accounting, facing truth, and reaping of karma. Aquarians - and the Age of Aquarius - will bring dramatic, sweeping and often disturbing changes into our lives and into planetary history. It is hard to dream where we got the idea that The Aquarian Age was going to be so suddenly harmonious. We already see and feel nearby us the immense political, climatic and spiritual upheavals across this planet which may reach a level of instability which will threaten the survival of this world...whether it survives, or does not, and is "reborn" as worlds often are, is beyond our knowledge now. However, when the Uranus forces - bombs, revolutions, earthquakes, electrical storms, and the empowerment of the masses via the internet - are finished, it will wish the other shoe to drop - the Saturnian elements of order, rebuilding and varied forms of truth and reconciliation - to faultless the Age of Aquarius.

The Aquarian Personality * Uranus and Saturn Aquarians are freedom-lovers, public challengers, stereotype-breakers, and innovators. They can change direction at a moment's notice. That is Uranus breathing through them! At the same time, Aquarians can be conservative, traditional, deeply loyal, stubborn, and fixated on justice not served. That is Saturn talking - usually lecturing! The Aquarian is thus strangely gifted at not only tearing down, but also construction - if given the right opportunity. Aquarians can write laws and constitutions, and are found creating systems everywhere, whether in office procedures manuals, Mozart's great compositions, Einstein's new laws of the universe, Lincoln's declaration of leisure for the slaves, and so on.

It is a mistake to overlook the role of Saturn in the life, gifts, and burdens of Aquarians. To live their Sun Sign, Aquarians need to accept without guilt or regret that they bring challenge to the lives of others, but Saturn makes them brood and worry, and doubt their own wunderkind Uranus-style energies. The Aquarius is always aware, at some level, that 'here" is only part-way there. There is always the feeling that the road of Humanity is still a long one, and that it somehow falls to the Aquarian, more than to other signs, to lead the way, to find the cure, to make the peace, or to raise the flag of leisure and revolution. Aquarians feel a deep need to love and be loved, yet also feel, as in a tragic play on stage, that in the end, they will have to ride off into the sunset, to find other citizen in need of a leader, or other town in need of a sheriff. The peculiar sense of history living through the Aquarian, of having to share his or her life with "something larger", is one of the most superior aspects of this archetypal Sign.

Relationships with Aquarians It is often observed that it is hard to get close to an Aquarian, that Aquarius is an Air Sign and thus intellectually gifted but emotionally cold. Yet this is not belief to be the case with Air Signs Libra and Gemini. There is something innately abstract about the Aquarian Soul, as if the price of safe bet gifts is the loss of others. One of the lost gifts is the ability to merge with others - as if this would be so destructive to the purpose of Aquarius that it has been made approximately genetically impossible for Aquarians to unquestionably seek, accept or accomplish intimacy. For this reason, of course, the rest of the "typical profile" holds - Aquarians have a very low tolerance for the more clinging, dependent personality type, as such citizen will approximately drown their souls. They will value most very someone who has goals and aspirations beyond them the association itself, so that the Aquarian is assured that they are not themselves going to be the focus of intense personal drives.

For many citizen the greatest idea of happiness is to be thoroughly requisite to someone, and in turn, they offer such status to their partner or friend. This makes a association akin to staking a claim, really, of a kind of ownership. This is very uncomfortable for the Aquarian, but there are reasons why. For the Aquarian, staking a claim to someone, as one might a gold mine, runs counter to the spiritual requirement to identify the faultless leisure of other human being. "Ownership" of other being, even an animal, seems foreign - a form of slavery. An Aquarian asks: "Aren't we fighting all over the world to free our brothers and sisters from the chains of being owned? Why would I want to own you, or have you somehow accumulate "rights" to me?"

Often citizen complain that the interests and enquiring minds of Aquarians can be overwhelming. They feel they are in the nearnessy of a force of nature, a gust of reasoning energy sweeping them up like a whirlwind, rather than a "normal" daily person. They feel that the Aquarian's futuristic, restless urge to contemplate new frontiers suggests lack of contentment with the status quo, and this can undermine a relationship. But the reverse is often true - Aquarians find many non-Aquarians underwhelming, and feel depressed and alienated when their dreams and visions are misinterpreted, resented, and in numerous subtle or open ways, rejected. Aquarians will panic when incarcerated within needy emotional webs, and feel existential pain in an exchange where their ideas meet with a blank stare or a change of subject.

The Soul, for the Aquarian, is what the person's "essence" unquestionably is - that is why an Aquarian may seem to find your daily doings and personality uninteresting! But if an Aquarian can associate with your soul, and you are curious in his, then the bond will be instant and forever, regardless of the worldly obstacles or setbacks which may come. Because the soul association comes most naturally to an Aquarian, friendship is in many ways the most natural association for an Aquarian. Freedom, easygoing companionship, shared interests and ideals, all these result where emotional demands and public measurements naturally drive the Aquarian into first depression, then desperation, and finally flight.

Aquarius In Love In the end, maybe only an Aquarian can know and love other Aquarian, though Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Gemini can make good partners. Aquarius appreciates the deep, silent, unquestioning loyalty of Leo, Sagittarius' quest for knowledge, the piercing, searching intensity of Scorpio, the reasoning gifts of Virgo, Libra's quest for justice, Gemini's variety of interests and verbal skills, Capricorn's serious coming to life (they are both ruled by Saturn), and the innovative, fearless leadership of Aries. Aquarius can be overwhelmed by, and distrustful of, the secrecy and emotional needs of the Water Signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The Aquarian does love difficulty and drama along with freedom, however, and this aggregate often leads them into odd relationships - with someone who is married, in jail, of other race or culture, maybe (with Saturn in the background denoting karma) handicapped or dealing with a serious karmic problem. This of course can draw the Scorpio personality - and the shadow of Pluto's secrets - directly to an Aquarian. The fact is, all relationships form, and un-form, as karma rises and fades in our lives - until we break free of old patterns, so one's astrological sign is not the final word. It is often, however, the first word!

Aquarian males and females are curiously alike since Aquarius is somewhat androgynous. Aquarians are capable of painfully obsessive love, which seems to possess them with the wind and fury of their ruling planet Uranus...and often in disagreement with their higher ideals, as Saturn will remind them. Inevitably, it seems, the Aquarian will return to a solitary path, unless he or she can find that comfortable, roomy association that starts and ends with friendship in the middle of equals.

Aquarius Woman She will touch the life of a man with an unforgettable yearning for something he may never grasp, but is awakened to. The Animus in the Aquarian Woman is cosmic, spiritual, and magical. Thus home, fireside and babies can be foreign to her. She can Any way transform a home and family with her playful, ever-young presence, and she can be deeply, fiercely loyal to a man who seeks redemption and transformation. Pick an Aquarian woman if you have a strong heart and superior ideals; if you need intuitive insight and acceptance of what makes you separate from the crowd. An Aquarian woman will forgive you much, but don't - even once - lie to her. This is true of an Aquarian man, maybe even more so, because a woman's lies will damage his Anima - though he may rally, if he feels you unquestionably need rescuing! Children will love an Aquarian woman, and she will defend and raise their uniqueness. She will touch their souls, and stress knowledge, friendship and equality as values.

Aquarius Man If you love an Aquarian man, don't look for public status, money or security. He may become famous, yet lose it all, often through no fault of his own, as part of the Aquarian Archetype. Be ready to share him with his work, and understand it is always, for him, a kind of priesthood no matter how humble his setting. Aquarian males can also be attracted to the underworld of crime, naturally because of its wild Uranus lawlessness, only to contemplate that Saturn rules the mob with an iron hand!

Aquarian men have been not only revolutionaries in history, but a large percentage of those called geniuses have been Aquarian males. There is a one-pointedness, an intensity of focus combined with other-worldly attunement, that makes such a man hard to engage in a sustained, day-to-day manner.

However, he can be a surprisingly good family man, provided he is not a closet priest or flirting with underworld connections! Ronald Reagan was an Aquarian man who did - and had - it all! He had the fame, the first divorce, and somewhat unorthodox children and family life, but he also was one-half of an extraordinary love story that lasted through to his death, and beyond. The Aquarian male is surprised by the warmth of love and family, but often grows into it quite nicely! He can be a delightful father, but not always in the approved sense, for he may be more curious in a child's primary ideas and values than in shaping them in a parental style. Aquarian men often seem to have had truly dominant father figures (Saturn) and in turn, they can spend their lives remaining rebellious youthful males. The child in him does not accept authority, any more than the adult in him does, and he is uncomfortable when forced to discipline anyone, including his children - so may do it badly.

An Aquarian man can, when pushed too hard to be head of the family, become harsh and emotionally or even physically violent with their families (Saturn, Uranus). This is because they are uncomfortable in a fully adult role - and under pressure will revert to the dominant archetypal Saturn male against which they have spent their lives rebelling. He will learn quite happily Any way to share home chores and is an ideal house-husband for he needs the security of a home and appreciates it more than most. Aquarian men and woman are both androgynous and will work together as comrades, be it making evening meal or fixing the car, so they can, if they identify it, be most compatible partnered with other Aquarian. If it is your dharma - or maybe your karma! - to love an Aquarian, awaken your inner foresight of humanity - its coarse dreams - and you will walk hand and hand in leisure out into the Stars.

Aquarians and Group Karma The Aquarian can suffer from the darker aspects of the public consciousness so much a part of his sign. Aquarians are often tentative, marginal members of a group to start with, seeming to hold themselves ready to leave at any moment. The Aquarian often suffers deeply as a result of, and as the focus of, group dynamics. It is as if the Aquarian, that the World (Saturn in the Tarot) - and all its "noble causes" - is still Maya to be passed through and left behind. Aquarians often Ant. Eject group karma such that they suddenly, without warning, become the "scapegoat" onto which the unowned, and disowned self- transformative urges of the group become projected... The group will be changed, and often for the better, in the end...but in the process the group, as an entity, will unquestionably drive the Aquarius away. He or she must set out, once again, alone on the Road - like the Fool of the Tarot.

Aquarius * Darkness At Noon The task of the Aquarius Archetype is the evolution of civilization through dramatic, revolutionary break-throughs that affect grass-roots humanity. Technological scientific knowledge is one field of Aquarius' contribution. The political framework of peace, justice and equality for all is the other branch. Without the political vision, there will be no Earth. Aquarius must rise above personal desires and ambitions in order to make a gift to the good of the whole. The karmic trap, weakness, Achilles heel of Aquarius is in making these large altruistic goals into obsessions that are in fact extensions of the Aquarian's Ego.

Throughout history, this theme has manifested in Aquarian revolutions in which humanity has been sacrificed to the personal ambitions of visionary leaders who tolerate no obstacles to their own plans. The secret societies which believe themselves to be the carriers of the Great Blueprint for humanity have often been behind such dramatic events as the French Revolution, and the founding of America. These secret societies, many associated to Christianity, Judaism and mystic Paganism, have given birth to vast experiments (truly Uranus!) in human political life which have been disastrous for humanity as a whole. The roots of these transformative efforts (communism, fascism and the occult blueprint of the French Revolution) lie in the legends and archetypes of those who first came from Space to help seed and develop this planet. There are glimpses of the experimental genius gone bad in Atlantis - as channeled through Edgar Cayce.

Mother Russia Russia is said to be ruled by Aquarius, and its Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, was led by Lenin, whose Moon was in Aquarius. The revolution was a truly Aquarian business in the scope of its foresight (Moon), violence (Uranus) and obsession with authority, control and reshaping (Saturn). It was only fitting that it would be an Aquarian, Boris Yeltsin, who in 1989 broke apart the last rotten walls of the Soviet Union. Yet, the post-Soviet era in Russia has not progressed beyond the revolutionary chaos of Uranus to the orderly development of Saturn. Uranus still haunts Russia in the internal lawlessness that prevails. Saturn's nearnessy is seen only in the new secret police, the oligarchs and their bag-men - enforcers of codes and "laws" best superior to the underworld.

American Dreams Closer to home, Dick Cheney is an Aquarius and he unquestionably led the "Neo-Conservative" and Christian-Zionist attempt to remake the Middle East in a grand foresight Beginning with the ill-starred invasion of Iraq. The violence of Uranus has hardly abated in Iraq, and such elements of Saturn as are gift have been mostly its worst features - justice turned into vengeance, order turned into tyranny and control turned into organized cruelty - Guantanamo Bay and the Patriot Act cast the dark shadow of Saturn's totalitarian streak across the United States and other nations who followed so willingly along.

The United States has an Aquarian Moon, and many strongly Aquarian presidents, but her dreams for mankind have yet to be shown to be worth the price that has been paid for American Aquarian visions. The genocides - of the Native American peoples, of the buffalo - and the oppressions - in Vietnam, Iraq, West Bank and Gaza, (open-air concentration camps run by a Us-backed Israel) - all these were born under these "grand visions" and schemes so deeply associated to the controlling, Big-Picture drives of Aquarius.

The current Us president, Barak Obama, has Aquarius Rising, and Jupiter in Aquarius as well - Grand Dreams indeed! While some fear he will fail in his great visions, others fear he may succeed. It is too soon to tell what America - and this newest of many Presidents with strong Aquarian features - will do for itself and for the world. But the time of reckoning grows closer...

Aquarius * Light At Dawn Cautionary tales indeed...Aquarius can generate a exquisite Karmic Storm, tossing us back and forth in the middle of the worst features of both Uranus and Saturn. It is as if Saturn can so speedily become the driving, narrow, cruel Ego, and Uranus can become the eruption of the contents of the Unconscious in the life of an personel or in that of a nation. Only a superior philosophical and spiritual framework can hold these twin forces in check. The Ego yields to the Spirit so that Saturn becomes the indwelling teacher and shaman, while Uranus yields to the direction of the Higher Self - blending the wild, creative, free elements of Soul with love and higher purpose.

In each Aquarian's life, these vast themes will play out in much smaller, but often very dramatic forms. Of all the signs, Aquarius is the most likely to mystify those who live within it and through it as an archetype, and those drawn into its waves of energy. Yet it is through the Aquarian Archtype, wherever it lies in our charts, that we see supplementary and farther than the horizons, and hear distant drummers in other realms.

We are all Aquarians in the Aquarian Age, in ways we may not see on the exterior of our lives. But as the Dawn Light breaks, the Big Jet carrying Humanity taxies down the runway, is turning now, getting set for its final run. construction speed not seen for thousands of years, it will lift off at last, and take us home to the Stars.

©Carol Leigh Rice 2010

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

President Abraham Lincoln's Prophetic Dream That Foretold His Own Death In The White House

No.1 Article of Science Current Event Articles

Western culture has little insight of the profound origin of dreams and the invaluable guidance they offer. As a result, few habitancy benefit from the most direct source of increase and healing that nature provides. Favorite opinions--and even many otherwise capable scientists--suggest that dreams are trivial side-effects of the sleeping mind with nothing whatsoever to convey.

Everyone knows that no one can know what is going to happen before it happens. And, everyone is wrong. Dead wrong. Dreams come from the always in vogue side of our psyche, where past, present and future coexist, and they commonly foreshadow the future in two ways.

Science Current Event Articles

Predictive Dreams anticipate the trajectory of current events and picture the likely outcome; if we keep drinking, ultimately we will deteriorate and a dream might depict us in that sad state. Such dreams portend a "probable future" no ifs ands or buts in order to forestall it from arrival true.

President Abraham Lincoln's Prophetic Dream That Foretold His Own Death In The White House

Less frequent--but far more bright to our view of reality--is the Prophetic Dream. While they do not seem aimed at arresting or correction, they no ifs ands or buts do imply an origin in greater knowledge than is ready to the human mind. Some offer a strikingly literal, and detailed account of things to come.

I have written of a prophetic dream which anticipated, to the minute, the death of Princess Diana and which changed the world-view of the young woman who dreamed it (Prophetic Dream of Actual Princess: Dreaming of Princess Diana).

There is a far more paramount dream that foretold the shocking death of a national leader more than a century earlier. President Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his own death not long before he was going to be assassinated. He reported to a friend that the dream had troubled him for days and he could not shake the melancholy it induced. It is as if he were allowed to grieve his own tragic demise in advance.

The astounding details are recorded in "Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, 1847-1885" (Ward Hill Lamon, 1911):

About ten days ago, I retired very late. I had been up waiting for important dispatches from the front. I could not have been long in bed when I fell into a slumber, for I was weary. I soon began to dream. There seemed to be a death-like stillness about me. Then I heard subdued sobs, as if a amount of habitancy were weeping. I notion I left my bed and wandered downstairs. There the silence was broken by the same pitiful sobbing, but the mourners were invisible. I went from room to room; no living person was in sight, but the same mournful sounds of distress met me as I passed along. It was light in all the rooms; every object was well-known to me; but where were all the habitancy who were grieving as if their hearts would break?

I was puzzled and alarmed. What could be the meaning of all this? thought about to find the cause of a state of things so mysterious and so shocking, I kept on until I arrived at the East Room, which I entered.

There I met with a sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers who were acting as guards; and there was a throng of people, some gazing mournfully upon the corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping pitifully. 'Who is dead in the White House?' I demanded of one of the soldiers 'The President' was his answer; 'he was killed by an assassin!' Then came a loud burst of grief from the crowd, which awoke me from my dream.

After President Lincoln's assassination his casket was, in fact, put on a platform in the East room where soldiers were stationed to act as guards. Dreams are far from meaningless fantasy or random neurological discharge. They are direct communications from the source of being which guide us, grow us, enrich us, and on sad occasion, notify us of events destined to change the world.

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How to Talk to habitancy - 9 Super Success Tips

No.1 Article of Science Current Event Articles

We admire those who know how to talk to people, or have the innate capability to well engage in a conversation even in an unfamiliar gathering. Others believe that some are born with the natural capability to talk to citizen or they have what they call the gift of the gab. However, the capability to talk or convey ideas whether in a small group or up on stage before a large audience is not an innate capability but an acquired skill. It can be learned, enhanced, and perfected. All you need are the right data and the determination to do it.

Were you disappointed before because you were not born with the gift? Then worry no more and start to learn the skill. To begin with, here are some helpful tips on how to talk to people.

Science Current Event Articles

1. Be presentable. You do not need to get the best couturier in town to have you packaged. All you have to do is to be dressed appropriately. It is one way of building your self-confidence and it will help you to act confidently.

How to Talk to habitancy - 9 Super Success Tips

2. Keep a pocket full of information. Be up to date with the current events, and keep a thinking list of good topics of discussion. These are handy tools to keep you ready to talk to practically anybody.

3. Get yourself centered and focused. This is a basic if we want to institute connection with the person or citizen we are talking to. institute the capability to shake off modern events that somehow ruined your day. Take a few minutes if you need to before attractive in any conversation.

4. Be respectful. Respect the feelings, emotions and opinions of others. Everyone has the right to their opinion and it is healthy to agree that we disagree. Let every one have their moment to be heard and sincerely listen to them. That way it would give them a sense of importance.

5. mouth eye contact. It is one way of showing interest in the person we are talking to. Women, they say, mouth eye perceive more than men but men could accumulate the skill straight through practice. Movements or stray thoughts tend to sidetrack a person. Be aware of them and learn to ignore them.

6. Listen. Listening is a serious business. It is easy to talk and talk but we defeat the purpose and lose the opening of establishing rapport. There are
situations that are more prominent where active listening is imperative. You will not miss the cue for your turn if you listen attentively.

7. institute rapport. It is not an easy thing but sincerity is the key that unlocks the door in establishing rapport. Synchronizing behavior or mimicking the pose, facial expression, gestures, body language, and tone of voice of the other person are ways of building rapport.

8. Adopt a definite attitude. Make sure your words, tone and gestures are all saying the same thing. Find out what you have in common, or if you seem to have nothing in common, adjust. Try to become the other person for a short time.

9. always ask an open ended question. This will help the continuous flow of conversation and will help you and the group to keep the encounter alive and flowing with information.

Discovering how to associate with others and employing these strategies will make one prosperous in talking to people. Talk means to express, replacement ideas by means of spoken words or to convey data or narrate in any way. Take these uncomplicated steps and you are sure to make the act of talking to citizen attractive and memorable for all. One day person may come up to you and ask where you learned how to talk to people.

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Examining The corollary Of Superstition In Life

No.1 Article of Science Current Event Articles

No matter how sophisticated our society becomes, superstitions persist in having an impact on success or failure. There seems to be part of the human mind that thrives on creating itsybitsy anchors of "magic" that lift us up or bring us down independent of rationality. Though the clearly logical part of our mental can categorically dismiss the institution or trust in superstitious action as silly quirks, our less rational creative mind goes to work incorporating whatever we feed it to gain or lose an edge in using faculties consistently engaged in solving problems.

Uncontrolled trust in superstitions can have a negative impact on how people guide their lives. When applied in extremes, such thoughts can come to be destructive to the point of debilitation. Superstition can be passed down straight through generations or created on a purely personel level. Some of the older forms of superstition like walking under a ladder, stepping on cracks in pavement, spilling salt, breaking mirrors or other "bad omens" are examples of misguided beliefs that have long been a part of lore. There are also a host of traditional counter measures and lucky charms reported to counteract bad luck and turn it into good.

Science Current Event Articles

Some people prefer to institution more subtle forms of superstitious behaviors. Many pro athletes use a singular report of clothing to set their minds on creating a winning edge in competition. Similarly, median people use articles of clothing like a "lucky tie" or "lucky shirt" they wear whenever going out for a job interview or participating in some other event like gambling. Other people rely on astrology or other forms of irrational mental exercises to test for the right time to make a singular decision or accomplish unavoidable actions.

Examining The corollary Of Superstition In Life

Superstitious beliefs are tied to the supernatural or unpredictable side of events that are in the scope of things otherwise beyond our control. The variation in the middle of rational observation and superstitious practices is substantial. With rational observation, we can compare behaviors and methods that whether work consistently or not. When the results are inconsistent, we can eliminate those influences that had no impact on outcome. On the other hand, superstition works fully on irrational trust systems where one flourishing mental correlation counteracts many unsuccessful results. If our mental "magic" seems to work once, we focus on attempting to recreate the success by trying to reproduce the same magic repeatedly.

There are few people in the world who arrival life in a fully rational fashion. Each someone carries around their own itsybitsy bag of tricks that seems to serve them well over time. In general, everyone should use whatever unavoidable edge they can find to enable their success, even if the methods are seemingly itsybitsy more than smoke and mirrors. However, when these itsybitsy bits of magic fail to help us accomplish what we set out to do, it is primary for us to observe our arrival as rationally as possible to convert the things that may be contributing to our failures. One consistent fact about life is that things are enduringly changing. If a current situation is unsatisfactory, this too will convert when we take the right approach. Sometimes unavoidable convert is difficult to achieve, but it is unavoidable that success will not be due to whatever other than performing the right actions at the right time. whatever we do in preparation for that accepted timing should be practiced with a clear eye for cause and effect. Though our spiritual practices can furnish us with relax while difficult times and furnish inspiration, it is how we interact with others and apply our inspirations which will carry us forward to useful results.

published here Examining The corollary Of Superstition In Life

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Writing Fiction in the gift Tense

Most fiction authors write in the past tense. They tell readers what happened. This is as if the author says, "I see the events in my mind, and I'm writing about what I saw." Very few fictional books are written in the present tense.

One theorize for this is that writing in the present tense provides serious challenges to the author: maintaining perspective, introducing prior events, and filtering the stream of consciousness.

Below, we discuss these challenges and supply an example of present-tense writing done well.

1. Maintaining Perspective:
Well-written scenes have only one perspective. As readers, our focus is on one character, and the scene is described straight through that character's experiences. Usually, the focus will be on the protagonist. We comprehend the scene straight through that character. However, that scene can be described again from other character's experience. This is possible because the scene is written in the past tense. We already know that it has happened.

When writing in the present tense, the events have an immediacy that makes this difficult. We read about what is happening at the moment, not about what already happened. This limits the author's quality to show events from multiple perspectives because when the perspective shifts, the events already occurred. As such, when the perspective changes, the author continues to show what is now happening but straight through a distinct perspective. The author keeps the readers in the "now." This can be a fine tool for retention the reader engaged in the story, but it is difficult to accomplish.

2. Introducing Prior Events:
Events do happen prior to the current experience, and describing them in a present-tense story requires a shift to the past tense. However, the author may need to comprise those events to help the reader understand the present sense or to supply the motivation for a character's actions and thoughts. This is difficult to accomplish. The author must make these time shifts smoothly, without losing the present-tense perspective and without production the reader wonder when the event is taking place. The author has to isolate present and past tense without damaging the readers' engagement in the present tense events.

3. Filtering the Stream of Consciousness:
The human brain is always thinking, which means that the character on whom we are focused is having many thoughts. Some may be repetitions, some may be revisions of prior thoughts, and some may be off topic completely. Some will be new and relevant to the sense the character is having.

The challenge to the author is identifying the thoughts that are relevant and primary to the story without creating gaps in the character's consciousness. Shifting in the middle of a narrative of thoughts to narrative of corporeal activities and environment will help, but as with introducing prior events, this can be difficult. While we are reading the character's thoughts and feelings in the present tense, other actions and events are occurring. Thus, when the author "leaves the character's mind" and returns to the "real world," he cannot go back to reveal what has happened in the meantime. So the second part of this challenge is to ensure that the reader doesn't miss primary events.

An Example of present Tense Fiction:
Robert Silverberg, winner of multiple Nebula and Hugo awards, uses the present tense very effectively in Starborne. This is the story of 50 citizen traveling over the universe straight through "nospace" to find a new planetary home. Obviously, it is science fiction.

Here's a quip from the book that addresses the second and third challenges:

"The year-captain wonders either every person aboard, one by one, is about to feel some maddening transformation for the worse. Already Noelle is losing the quality to reveal with her sister on Earth; the blunt and straightforward Sieglinde has unsettlingly chosen to challenge the reliability of the theorems that she herself helped to write; and now the easygoing and irreverent Heinz is tiresomely eager to by comparison the year-captain's own responsibilities to him. What next? What next, he wonders."

Science fiction may not be your favorite genre, but this novel is worth reading if you intend to write in the present tense and are unsure about how to do it well. Find it in a bookstore, sit in a chair, and read the first merge chapters, at least. Study how Silverberg resolves the three challenges noted above.

We have a collection of editorial services for authors that will help you prepare your manuscript, but reading and studying Starborne will give you a good start.

learn more here Writing Fiction in the gift Tense learn more here

Is Life Less About Discovering Yourself and More About Creating Yourself?

#1. Is Life Less About Discovering Yourself and More About Creating Yourself?

Is Life Less About Discovering Yourself and More About Creating Yourself?

Since the beginning of time our universe has been going straight through a process of creative evolution and, as far as we know, this process will continue infinitely. Based on our current insight we can assume that a huge mass of hot stuff randomly came together for a chaotic and random bump and grind for 13.5 million years and here we are!

Is Life Less About Discovering Yourself and More About Creating Yourself?

But despite the chaotic appearance of the early Kosmos it's purpose appears to be to generate conditions that can reserve sentient life. If you are in any doubt about this purpose you need just to remind yourself that the journey from measure particles to whirling dust clouds, to exploding suns, to spinning planets, to early inanimate and then animate organisms has led to your consciousness and therefore your ability to doubt this proposition.

The study of evolution has revealed that after a long line of mutations that complex a type of land loving fish, a group of opportunistic voles and a herd of drunken monkeys, we humans emerged and ultimately started communicating with each other. We invented language and swiftly advanced the habit of mental in words as well as pictures and started describing our touch of the world colse to us.

And that's when all the problem started, because that's when we began to 'create' rather than discover our reality.

We began to observation things in the environment and communicate population and places as if they were discoveries. In other words, we 'realised' things.

Let's look at that word 'realised' for a moment.

Realisation - Noun

1. Advent to understand something clearly and distinctly.

2. Development real or giving the appearance of reality.

3. The act of creating something by thinking.

4. The act of bringing something to completion or fruition e.g. A musical combination that has been completed or enriched by someone other than the composer

5. An act of co-creation - A hybrid touch of discovery and creation.

The last definition is my own interpretation and I offer it for the purpose of this article. I would like to recommend that we human beings are 'Realisationists'. And I'd like to additional recommend that we mostly generate rather than discover ourselves and the world colse to us.

How many of humankind's early beliefs and ideas were presented as so-called discoveries made by individuals who had claimed to have the ear, or even hear the voice of some higher power? Probably all of them. But what if the individual/s concerned had imagined a confidence or idea at an unconscious level, but mistakenly processed as a message or discovery?

A mystic might call this revelation.

Psychologists might call this delusion.

A realisationist would call it creation.

Think about this - psychologists know that our capacity for short term memory is microscopic and notoriously unreliable because as we recall events we seem to add microscopic details that are often false. Even after the first version of a story has been told it continues to be added to (or realized) from someone to someone in the retelling. We are constantly creating self fulfilling prophecies as we 'realise' our experiences, our histories and our futures.

In the last sixty years humankind has advanced and evolved technologies that have helped us to evolve as a species by allowing us to manipulate both the workings of our own bodies and our environment. We even have the ability to recreate the conditions for life (and even the big bang) in a test tube.

We are now in effect co - creators of the world.

Science and particularly physics seems to be about experimentation and documenting factual discoveries, but on closer inspection we discover that when scientists try to communicate subatomic particles, they're basically Development it up as they go along.

Everything is fine until they get beyond the level of atoms and then the science becomes like a fairy tale.
This is because physicists can't in effect see the things that atoms are made of, they can only measure their effect on the world, but they give them names like Quarks, Gluons and Leptons to bring them into reality. Any way their story was grand adequate to put men on the moon and latterly led to the creation of the Large Hadron Collider in Cern where they can recreate the 'Big Bang' in a small tunnel.

So in many ways some scientists claim to have discovered things in the world but in effect they generate models and narratives in a kind of clear delusion that brings into being a new reality. In fact when dealing with the measure world of physics where particles just pop in and out of existence, the estimation of a proton relies on an 'observing' scientist to collapse reality, with his or her observing mind, in order to bring the particle into being.

Less a discovery and more a 'Realisation'.

So what does it all mean?

It means that nothing is in effect discovered independently of human realisation as all we touch begins as, and continues to be, an act of psychic creation, with each and every one of us as a contributor. This means that we can either resolve to be a hostage or a player in someone else's reality or we can realise our own.

However, the reality we realise can take some forms.

If my realisation is based on my own needs (Personal, Ego- centric reality) I might begin to think I am the most important someone in the world and serve only myself. While my reality may not adversely sway anyone else I may ultimately begin to have delusions of grandeur and behave in extremely selfish and reprehensible ways. This could lead to disappointment and anxiety for both myself and others who find they have to deal with me.

If my reality is centered mainly colse to my family and my race (Tribal, Ethno-centric reality) I might think that only my people, our way of life and our beliefs are the 'right' way and therefore the most important. I might then devalue the culture of others and view them as inconsequential or even as a threat.

However if I realise a Human-centric reality I will think of all peoples on the planet as one.
This is a best reality but I may view human life as the most important and fail to take the environment and other living beings fully into consideration.

If my realisation is Global, Eco-centric I am aware of the environment and all living creatures on earth. Any way I may come to be irrationally protective, territorial and aggressive to those who do not see and treat the world as I do.

If my reality includes and encompasses all of the above I may be realising a Universal, Kosmo-centric reality and serving the top purpose of all. In this reality I 'realise' that every particular living being is the manifestation of one source and has as much right to exist as I. I am also aware that the only permanent state in the universe is change and I may therefore be inclined towards the evolution of consciousness for the continued good of all sentient beings.

The message here is that our personal realisation of reality is dependent on our centre of self and the stage of personal amelioration that we have reached. Therefore, even population who are already 'realising' their own reality can be out of alignment with the whole and remain unfulfilled.

Lets come back down a microscopic and try and value exactly how we as individuals are part of the larger, creative process of realisation.

The fact that everybody of the multitude of cells, Dna and genes in our bodies works together to keep us alive and healthy without any aware intervention from us is remarkable in itself. Any way if you remember that our cells, Dna and genes are operating in assistance of the human species as well as the private you may begin to understand that some of the key, biological mechanisms of your body are not acting exclusively for you alone. They are driven towards a higher goal of which you are a part, and that's why they help to keep you alive.

They may be working on the assumption that you'll come to be a aware contributor towards the goal they serve. How they realise what their goal is could come to be the field for an additional one narrative but it's important to understand that in order to keep your cells, Dna and genes happy and yourself healthy, you'll also need to in effect fully 'realise' what that goal is.

Some of us will be aware that our minds have three aspects: Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious. The aware mind is filled with the thoughts and actions we seem to have chosen to think and do, then there is the inner voices of 'conscience' that chatter away in the back ground from our subconscious minds. Ultimately there is a level of non verbal, unconscious processing going on in our brains that is primal and totally out of our awareness and aware control.

Evidence of this realm is in the thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere and surprise us: an unexpected observation, a explication to a qoute or a sudden insight or emotion. Any way these thoughts and feelings were being processed sub or unconsciously and simply emerged when the time was right. The available literature and research on creativity has much to offer in terms of how the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious aspects of the mind works to solve problems and produce art, music and literature. It may be safe to say that many of the processes in our bodies and minds that we call our own (my thoughts, my feelings, my heartbeat, my breathing, my immune system) operate independently of our aware control.

James Lovelock, in his Gaia hypothesis, suggests that living and nonliving parts of the earth are a complex interacting principles that can be conception of as a particular organism, with all living things having a regulatory effect on the Earth's environment. If there is a proliferation of one species, or type of organism the equilibrium will be disturbed and generate dis-ease on the planet. There is some venture as to how exactly the earth deals with imbalance and by which mechanisms, but that she does, is in microscopic doubt. There is adequate literature surface this field so we don't need to dwell additional on examples.

We might then think of all consuming and aware beings, animals and insects included, as the consciousness of the planet much like our own mind is the consciousness of our bodies with the power of the multiples of cells, Dna and genes collectively contributing to that consciousness. If we can accept that we are not just 'on' this earth but in effect 'of ' the earth, we will understand that as long as we realise goals that reserve the earth's evolution we will continue to synergistically evolve ourselves. If not, we will ultimately come to be extinct.

Incidentally, it has been noted that the Internet may be the first stage of an evolving, global consciousness. How long before we connect to it organically?

What if we now apply this holistic, earth model to the universe itself?

We might think the whole Kosmos to be a living organism, early in its evolution, consuming by a creative, consuming power that is evolving multiple life forms in multiple locations straight through which it will come to be aware itself.

The power of evolution may then come to be focused towards a condition of unification, wholeness and stability with all life forms in the Kosmos interconnecting and collectively amounting to a super consciousness of a total and infinite being. A conception once described as the Omega point by the clergyman and philosopher Teilhard De Chardin.

If we were to accept the above idea then we may be seeing transmit to an evolution of self that will lead to eternal life in the best of all possible conditions. With aware evolution we may be able to bring this eternal state to fruition or we can ignore our accountability and perambulate along in an eternal cycle of life and death.

The challenge for us human realisationists then is that if the purpose we realise is out of alignment with the larger scheme of things it will lead to either our destruction or the destruction of our species, our planet and maybe even the Kosmos itself. If this idea is right then this makes our need to realise our own purpose in a way that serves all humanity and the bigger photograph an imperative.

Ultimately the human journey seems to be about the touch of being human, the delight of learning and the joy of realising ourselves as the power of creation and evolution.

So relax, all will be fine once you start to 'realise' who and what you are.

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The Almighty ask - Why Am I Here & How Can I Be Happy?

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Mediocrity has become allinclusive and very few citizen seem to be enjoying life beyond that. The majority are just getting by, doing a job that they beyond doubt hate and blaming it all on the luck of the draw. The world seems cruel to them and they are fixated on doing no more than what is staggering of them. So, it comes as no surprise that these are the same individuals who somehow see the gloomy clouds even on a Sunny day. But the real variation in the middle of those who have given into mediocrity and those who have been able to make lemonade out of lemon is that these supposedly 'favoured' individuals had a foresight beyond their current circumstances. And the foresight didn't just come to them in a dream.

The Almighty ask - Why Am I Here & How Can I Be Happy?

It was something that they had taken the time to statue in their own minds. It was something that they beyond doubt wanted to accomplish in life regardless of their current conditions. And this mechanism is ready to all of us, should we ever decree to tap into its stockroom of abundance. The basic principle of this mechanism is desire. How badly do you want something, why do you want it and by when? If you are able to talk these questions compellingly, you are halfway there. Most such visions quite often contain a financial goal, a health goal or a relationship goal for the most part, as these three pillars are regarded as the valuable triad of our well being.

Just as the vision, the car that you are seeking to make the journey with should be just as appealing. If the car doesn't entice you or make the journey too much of a drag, you're likely to get off at one stage or the other. But in such as an event, before you decree to disembark, it's leading to take a closer look and see if it was the car in its entirety that made the journey distasteful or was it possibly just one or two small elements of it? If it was just a few minor details, it is leading to understand that there is no such thing as a excellent car or a conduit. You just have to use your creativity in order to make the entire process as pleasurable an palpate as possible.

Often any situation in our lives can be altered through the thoughts associated to it. For example, you can choose to see cooking as a boring and a valuable inconvenience or you can choose to see it as creative, relaxing and pleasurable. But if the entire process or a good part of it is putting you off, then the car you had chosen might not be for you. As Steven Covey once said "When you are scrambling up the ladder of success, make sure it is leaning against the right building". And this is how we find our true calling in life. For example, a Heart Surgeon, who immensely enjoys his work and the pleasure of saving lives, would primarily be focused on saving even more lives. Thus for him, surgery is the most qualified car for his mission and his future aspirations. If you are not sure about what your true calling is, it's great to fail forward than to stand still as the more things you try, the sooner you will triumph.

Happiness is a by-product of being contentwith every aspect of your life. In the bodily realm this starts with a daily exercise habit and a healthy meal plan. This also contributes immensely towards both your bodily and emotional well being.

Language is the other leading element. How you talk to yourself on a miniature to miniature basis, as well as how you speak to others decree a good percentage of how you feel about yourself and thus is a key contributor to your allinclusive happiness.

Integrity in all things makes you a qualified and worthwhile human being. In fact, actions that lack integrity serve as a negative anchor. A lie or an act of deception, regardless of its size will often feel like carrying colse to a ton of bricks, until ultimately being exposed to the truth. And the lack of integrity can only be subdued verbally, as our body commands a majority of every message spoken.

Giving and sharing is the process that you are truly here for, whichever car you may have chosen for our great voyage. If you can recall the happiest moments in your life, you will find that it has a surprising significance to the act of giving, sharing and receiving. If you had ever contributed through an act of giving as noble as saving someone's life and witnessed the unfolding of the events, you will no doubt know how immeasurably fulfilling that was. And on the flip side, it is the act of giving that ensures your rewards. For example, a salesperson that provides a much needed and appreciated service to his clients manages to retain his customers for future firm and obtains referrals through the mere ability of the service or product he may have offered. But if he were to focus on the process of receiving a profit from the buyer rather than contribution a worthwhile service, his sales; if any; would have been significantly decimated. And on a more personal level, very few citizen tend to buy presents for those who don't buy them whatever to begin with.

Spirituality serves as the all true element which determines your direction, balance and peace. There is no greater venture than the venture you make in yourself to reconnect with your higher self for with this compel and guidance even the most insurmountable tasks can be achieved. It also contributes exponentially to your emotional well being.

Family & human relations decree as much as 70% of our happiness and on the flip side they can just as beyond doubt cause as much as 70% of our unhappiness, if neglected. Human relations, be it your spouse, child or other should be dealt with the most of care. And contrary to what many believe, it beyond doubt is not common sense at all, it is a science. And fortunately for us, this knowledge is easily ready through books written by some of the leading relationship Experts such as Dr John Gray and Dr Ellen Kreidman. Emerging successful in this group alone can decree the effect success of most other departments. And it is vitally leading that you all the time lead a good slice of your time to your house ahead of all other on-going commitments.

The other element that contributes to our happiness is self-esteem, which determines how much we like ourselves on a miniature to miniature basis. Many of the traits we discussed here will lead enormously towards elevating your Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence. But there's bound to be a few isolated internal conflicts, possibly due to negative programming from our childhood. Negative and demoralizing statements that have been thoughtlessly passed down over the years tend to arise from your subconscious most unexpectedly, and they may hold you back from much of your due success. One way to short circuit this would be repeat sure and nurturing affirmations out loud first thing in the morning and whenever you feel your self-esteem being stricken by old programming. A second technique would be to shift your focus. It would be helpful to have a series of happy memories that you could reflect on as soon this happens. And the more information and life you connect with these memories, the more sufficient they tend be.

In order to sound your self-confidence (which is also regarded as a highly influential factor), you must make a practise to walk tall with shoulders pulled back and breathe in deep with your stomach to keep your composure. The same can be done when you are sitting down. You should never slouch on a chair while you are at work or in a meeting, but instead sit up straight and away from the back rest and continue to keep your deep breathing in check. It would often help to loosen your jaws, cheek muscles and radiate a sense of control and calm.

Eliminating negative conception patterns such as anger, frustration, hatred, jealousy, disappointment, doubt, fear and any other fence to your well being and happiness is an valuable part of the Success puzzle. The easy clarification is this. If you are afraid of something, you must force yourself to act brave and to do the thing you fear in order for the fear to dissipate. And likewise all negative conception patterns can be vanquished simply through the act of doing the very opposite. For example, hatred can be conquered with love, dissatisfaction with far-rightness, doubt with certainty, dissatisfaction with decisiveness and fear with bravery and so on. This shouldn't be just a convert of conception pattern. It should be followed through with an action or a series of actions that cement the sure traits in place.

Taking control of your breathing is imperative to your bodily and emotional well being. If you have control of your breathing from the get-go, the opening of a negative conception pattern ever taking prominence is slim to none. You must discipline yourself to breathe in through your stomach at all times, ensuring that you allow the stomach to inflate fully in the process. As you do, take a moment to feel the coolness on the nostrils as you breathe in and the diplomatic warmth as you breathe out. This easy exercise can bring a sense of tranquility and balance within minutes, regardless the extraordinary nature of the situation at hand.

Take a while to reconnect with nature, be it in the form of a walk, just sitting by the beach, going on a safari or just bird watching. Nature is where our soul is and no whole of buildings and technology can convert that. For you to rediscover your wholeness, you must fill the void within.

Practicing the above principles in harmony will give you a unified recipe for happiness. And it will also get you started on your road to your financial freedom. But that is quite a vast topic in itself and will be discussed on a later article.

Life is a gift and its rewards, both in terms of happiness and wealth are directly correlated to your efforts, relations, decisiveness and integrity. And what we can accomplish as human beings is truly unimaginable and in fact it's been said than mankind is living well below 5% of his potential. Finding your true calling and achieving a desired goal is only just the starting of the process and although your achievements will repaymen you amply for your efforts, it is in the continuous venture of striving from one port to another, that you will find your true happiness.

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Methodology For estimate Of Natural Hazard Vulnerability In Us Using Remote Sensing

#1. Methodology For estimate Of Natural Hazard Vulnerability In Us Using Remote Sensing

Methodology For estimate Of Natural Hazard Vulnerability In Us Using Remote Sensing


Methodology For estimate Of Natural Hazard Vulnerability In Us Using Remote Sensing

Coastal zone is defined as "the coastal waters (including the lands therein and thereunder) and the adjacent shorelands (including the waters therein and thereunder), strongly influenced by each other and in nearnessy to the shorelines of the some coastal states, and includes islands, transitional and intertidal areas, salt marshes, wetlands, and beaches." Coastal locations were some of the first located in the country, and have all the time accounted for a major ration of the full, population. They were the customary centers for transportation, tourism, recreation, industrial fishing, and other industry. This coastal zone remains a crucial segment of the nation's full, economy. A variety of natural hazards usually threaten this coastal zone. Severe meteorological events such as hurricanes, tropical cyclones, and nor'easters are particularly harsh on coastal areas, often resulting in damages from high winds, storm surge, flooding, and seacoast erosion. Tsunamis, whose destructive force is characterized by potentially devastating flood inundation, are uniquely coastal events resulting from offshore earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic activity. Coastal locations are also subjected to the impacts of long-term hazards such as chronic coastal erosion, possible sea-level rise, and global atmosphere change.

Coastal hazard events can significantly sway or even alter the natural environment. Their impacts are ordinarily not carefully to be "disastrous" unless they involve damages to human populations and infrastructure. When people and asset are not present, hazards are merely natural processes that alter the environment. When people and asset is present then the impacts of hazards are viewed quite differently. The customary focus is no longer on the natural processes associated with a major hazard event, but instead on the disastrous results that can be measured by lives lost, asset damages, and economic and environmental impacts.

The impacts of natural hazards are becoming increasingly high-priced and devastating. Hazard impacts on the natural environment become more devastating because human amelioration has altered the potential of natural systems to recover from such events. Experts believe that the statistics on disaster losses continue to rise worldwide due to a aggregate of factors that comprise a rise in the whole of hazard events due to global atmosphere convert or natural cyclical trends, and an growth in human exposure in dangerous locations.

Some of the decrease in disaster damages worldwide could also be the effect of improvements in disaster monitoring and reporting capabilities, particularly in developing countries. But disaster loss increases in the United States seem to be most intimately tied to increased human exposure in high risk areas such as the nation's coasts.

The United States has an great and diverse coastline that supports a disproportionate ration of the nation's population. The nation's 451 coastal counties comprise just over 50 percent of the U.S. Population, yet only account for about 20 percent of the total U.S. Land area. during the last decade, 17 of the 20 fastest growing counties were located along the coast. In addition, 19 of the 20 most densely populated counties in the nation are coastal counties. These coastal counties possess economic gain through natural resources, marine trade and commerce. These coastal counties also possess economic loss due to the natural hazards, overexploitation and exponential people growth. An evaluation of both the economic gain and economic loss is briefly discussed as follows.

Economic gain in U.S. Coastal zone

Nature report (May 1997), a group of ecologists estimated the value on ecosystem in the coastal zone. They estimated that the worth of the services for marine ecosystems is approximately trillion per year. agreeing to Sea Technology magazine, the value of goods and services sold by the ocean/marine business was estimated in 1995 as billion annually. Offshore oil and gas production has become very foremost and the 1996 value was more than billion and the yearly offshore production is increasing. agreeing to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration (Noaa), 77 million pounds (meat weight) of shellfish were harvested from U.S. Coastal waters in 1995, with a dockside value of 0 million.

Current Noaa estimates concerning the recreational uses of U.S. Coastal areas includes: approximately 94 million people boat and fish annually; the midpoint American spends 10 recreational days on the coast each year; The coasts (excluding the Great Lakes coastline) sustain 25,500 recreational facilities; More than 180 million Americans visited ocean and bay beaches in 1993; Recreational fishing contributes .5 billion annually to the U.S.
economy; Coastal recreation and tourism create to billion annually.

Economic loss in U.S. Coastal zone

Disaster losses in the United States coastal zone are currently estimated conservatively at billion annually. The disaster loss in the middle of 1975 and 1994 is estimated as 0 billion. 80 percent of the losses were imposed by meteorological events and 10 percent were the effect of earthquakes and volcanoes. A great earthquake (magnitude 8 or larger) has not struck a major metropolitan area since the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. An extreme or catastrophic hurricane (Class 4 or 5) has not directly struck a major urban area since the one that hit Miami, Florida, in 1926. Yet even without such disasters, which might create losses well over 0 billion, the full, costs of natural hazards, such as extreme weather, drought, and wildfires, are estimated at billion per year for the past 5 years, or approximately billion per week. In the United States, the direct costs to heal the damage midpoint about billion per year, of which over billion is due to tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and earthquakes.

The Fema coastal erosion study conducted by The Heinz town for Science, Economics and the Environment estimates that approximately 25 percent of homes and other structures within 500 feet of the U.S. Coastline and the shorelines of the Great Lakes will fall victim to the effects of erosion within the next 60 years. Especially hard hit will be areas along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastlines, which are staggering to account for 60 percent of nationwide losses. The report estimates that costs to U.S. Homeowners will midpoint more than a half billion dollars per year, and that additional amelioration in high erosion areas will lead to higher losses. Thirty-four floods have been reported in Wake County (data source: Ndcd and Sheldus). The total coastline of mapped seacoast of Gulf of Mexico coast is about 8058 km out of which 3387 kms is in very high risk, 1056 kms is in high risk, 2968 km is in slowly risk and 547 kms is in low risk kind due to sea level rise. So the 42 % of the coast line is in high risk, 37 % moderate risk and 8 % low risk (Robert Thieler 2001).

Hurricane Mitch, one of the most excellent and damaging storms experienced in Central America, struck in the middle of 26 October and 1 November 1998. A kind V hurricane, the event was characterized by arduous rainfall and high winds, dumping a year's worth of precipitation in less than one week on the region, causing the overflow of rivers, floods, mudslides and landslides. Thousands of people were killed and left homeless. Mitch caused billions of dollars of damage, and left huge tasks of reconstruction, resulting in the loss of decades of amelioration efforts in the region.

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Eclac) estimates that the direct cost of replacing the lost and damaged infrastructure in the region after Hurricane Mitch is some Us,000 million (Caballeros, 1999).

Recent large-scale disasters such as Hurricane Mitch and Georges, and the earthquake in Armenia, Colombia have demonstrated the vulnerability of society. It is widely recognized that new people growth, rapid urbanization and the socioeconomic buildings in Central America have increased vulnerability of these countries to natural hazards.

These disasters faced by the inhabitants both by natural and anthropological effects lead to the formation of legislation / laws to govern.

Legislation & major acts in U.S. Coastal Zone

The economic loss and economic yield as such felt by the inhabitants of the Earth has resulted in the formation of legislation. This legislation is framed for the sustainable use of the ready natural resources. When the loss is severe or the gain is enormous; the laws needs some revising hence they were amended periodically. Some of the Laws and Acts pertaining to U.S. Coastal zone were National Environmental procedure Act, Clean water Act, marine Protection, explore and Sanctuaries Act, Ocean Dumping Act of 1972, Water Resources amelioration Act of 1996, Coastal Zone administration Act of 1972, marine mammal security Act of 1972, Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and administration Act of 1976 Endangered Species Act 1973, Nation wise Invasive Species Act of 1996, Oil Pollution Act of 1990, full, environmental response, compensation, and liability act of 1980, Rivers and Harbor Act of 1899, The Submerged Lands Act of 1953, The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934, Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, reserved supply Conservation and salvage Act of 1976 and The Coastal Barriers Resources Act of 1982.

Hence in order to amend these laws the integration in different fields is attempted and discussed as follows.

Results And Discussion

Assessment of Natural Hazard

Natural hazard is a phenomenon which occurs in nearnessy and poses a threat to people, structures or economic assets and may cause disaster. They are caused by meteorological, biological, geological, seismic, hydrological, or conditions or processes in the natural environment. Hazard evaluation is the process of estimating, for defined areas, the probabilities of the occurrence of potentially - damaging phenomenon of given magnitudes within a specified duration of time. Hazard evaluation involves pathology of formal and informal historical records, and skilled interpretation of existing meteorological, topographical, geological, geomorphologic, hydrological, and land-use maps.

Office of United Nations amelioration Relief club (Undro), defines the term vulnerability as: "The degree of loss to a given element or set of elements at risk resulting from the occurrence of a natural phenomenon of a given magnitude. It is expressed on a scale from 0 (no damage) to 1 (total damage)". The vulnerability of an element is usually expressed as a ration loss (or as a value in the middle of 0 and 1) for a given hazard severity level. The quantum of loss used depends on the element at risk, and accordingly may be measured as a ratio of the numbers of persons killed or injured to the total population, as a heal cost or as the degree of corporal damage defined on an thorough scale. In a large whole of elements, like construction stock, it may be defined in terms of the proportion of buildings experiencing some singular level of damage.

Assessment is an interdisciplinary process under-taken in phases and sharp on-the-spot surveys and the collation, evaluation and interpretation of data from discrete sources concerning both direct and indirect losses, short- and long-term effects. It involves determining not only what has happened and what assistance might be needed, but also defining objectives and how relevant assistance can undoubtedly be provided to the victims. It requires concentration to both short-term needs and long-term implications.

The United States is becoming more vulnerable to natural hazards mostly because of changes in people and national wealth density. Due to this, people and infrastructure have become concentrated in disaster-prone areas. Natural Hazards threaten the sustainable amelioration of United States, destroying years of amelioration efforts and investments, placing new demands on community for reconstruction and rehabilitation, and shifting amelioration priorities away from long-term goals while immediate needs are met. For most of the 20th century, the United States has largely spared the price for catastrophic natural disaster. significant expand has been made in insight the discrete impacts that hazards furnish on human and natural environments. Numerous explore activities have been undertaken following the major hazard events of the past few years. Unfortunately, much of this explore is piecemeal and has not been incorporated into any type of full, database on disaster losses.

Natural hazards such as hurricanes and earthquakes do not have to become natural disasters. With permissible planning, including permissible environment management, much of the risk can be reduced. The risks posed by natural hazards in United States are exacerbated by group and environmental trends such as rapid urbanization and unplanned human settlements, poorly engineered construction, lack of enough infrastructure, poverty, and inadequate environmental practices such as deforestation and land degradation.

Given the significant costs of the nation's catastrophic natural disasters, focus has shifted in new years to expand beyond emergency preparedness and response to comprise a more long-term emphasis on disaster loss reduction. Hence it requires for a quantitative evaluation of natural hazards vulnerability for coastal zone. This quantitative evaluation of natural hazards is aimed to minimize whether an individual's or a community's vulnerability to future disaster damages. Over the years, expand has been made in reducing hazard impacts through best predictions, forecasts, and warnings, particularly for meteorological hazards such as coastal storms and floods. normal improvements in hurricane and tsunami prediction, and river and lake level forecasting, have been possible using the most recent in computer modeling technology. Noaa's National Weather service (Nws) is currently working with some new technological systems that are intended to significantly improve future flood forecasting capabilities. Though there were lot of techniques ready to assess vulnerability due to natural hazard quantitatively still it is significant to reply the scientific and technological data needs throughout the discrete hazards-related disciplines and integration. Although significant expand has been made in the explore and science associated with natural hazards during the past 20 years, and improvements in technology and insight about natural hazards and how to access its vulnerability quantitatively requires a real-time networked scientific database.

Universities and explore institutions (particularly the National Science Foundation), along with government agencies such as Noaa and Usgs that verbalize scientific hazards-related responsibilities, have contributed to advances in the scientific study of natural hazards. There is now more quantitative data ready about the origins and behavior of hazard events but the belief of integration of the ready data sets is lagged.

This study is to combine all the fields acting in coastal zone for the evaluation of vulnerability. Maps delineating hazard-prone areas at national, state, and local levels are needed to contribute more full, hazards evaluation using data on a variety of natural phenomena, including coastal storms, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, typhoons, landslides, wildfires, drought, earthquakes, etc. Much of this data already exists, but issues such as data integration, compatibility, scales, accuracy, and resolution need to be addressed to make the data useful at the local level. best methodologies and models are also needed for conducting hazard vulnerability assessments that can combine highly changeable local conditions and characteristics. This calls for the site exact models for best estimates.

Computer-based geographic data systems could be used to analyze hazards data and contribute national risk evaluation data to state and local governments in quick and easy manner. exact models could be generated by using the Gis software. New high-resolution remote sensing capabilities could be examined for use in large-scale risk and vulnerability assessment. Hence, remote Sensing and Gis is to be integrated and modeled for the evaluation of quantitative natural hazard vulnerability.

Improvements in monitoring, data collection, and data processing account for most of the advancements made in short-term weather-related forecasting. best modeling capabilities, along with a more thorough insight of variables, such as global atmosphere convert and sea-level rise, are needed to improve long-range forecasting and planning for coastal hazard impacts.

Gis integration / modeling for natural hazard vulnerability

Gis is one of the excellent tools which can be used for the evaluation of Natural Hazards Vulnerability (Nhv). Due to these techniques, natural hazard mapping and vulnerability evaluation could be performed for the coastal zone. These maps will help the authorities for quick evaluation of possible impact of a natural hazard and initiation of thorough measures for reducing the impact. This data will help the planners and decision-makers to take inescapable steps in time.

Gis applications in the coastal zone are diversified and case-based. Applications studies such as (a) coastal mapping, (b) environmental monitoring, (c) coastal process modelling, (d) navigation and port facilities management, (e) coastal environmental / hazard assessment, (f) coastal administration / strategic planning, and (g) coastal ecological modeling could be done through Gis.

Coastal Mapping is in general focused on thematic mapping in the coastal zone, such as mapping chlorophyll concentration using Tm data (Chen et al. 1996). Environmental monitoring is one of the routine tasks in Czm, which comprise monitoring water potential and habitat/biodiversity, and beach watch. Coastal processes modeling of corporal environment convert in the coastal zone includes the simulation of effects of sea-level rise (Ruth and Pieper 1994, Grossman and Eberhardt 1992, Zeng and Cowell 1998, 1999, Hennecke 2000), the evaluation of human intervention of seacoast convert (Huang et al. 1999), the use of historical data to predict future coastline convert (Sims et al. 1995) and the study of beach morphodynamics (Humphries and Ligdas, 1997). There are other two subcategories of the applications of hazards, namely, short-term and long-term tasks. The previous is exemplified with monitoring and predicting oil spill (Belore, 1990), while the latter is demonstrated by coastal hazard / vulnerability evaluation due to atmosphere convert (Lee et al. 1992, Sims, et al., 1995; Deniels et al. 1996, Hickey et al. 1997, Zeng and Cowell 1999, Hennecke et al. 2000, Esnard et al. 2001). Coastal administration / strategic planning involve assessing sustainability of the environment, group and economic viability. The above said studies carried out in coastal zone are to be integrated using remote sensing and Gis for analysis.

The categories of Gis applications in coastal zone could be broadly categorized into three levels.

a) Level 1: as data administration and mapping tools,

b) Level 2: as basic data pathology (query) and mapping tools, and

c) Level 3: as decision-supporting tools (modelling / simulation).

Most current implementations of Coastal Gis are still at Level 1 and Level 2. It is staggering that Level 3 implementations will rapidly growth in the near future as the chronic revising in Gis functions and more user-friendly interface become ready in the market. Hence for the study of Quantitative evaluation of Natural Hazard Vulnerability Level 3 application is to be adopted.

The two basic approach / analysis, which should be followed for geospatial database amelioration were given below.

Integrated approach:

a) integration of different level of application,

b) integration of vector and raster (data and functions),

c) integration of knowledge of different expertise, and

d) integration of different scales in time and space.

Because of the nature of integration, Gis applications should consider long-term integration. This includes the vertical integration that involves different application (and potential) levels, and horizontal integration that involves other interest groups. Therefore, issues must be addressed from database design, data sharing to tool-making (analysis functions) and sense sharing.

Multi-criteria analysis

a) multi - factors controls

Since coastal ideas has a involved hierarchical buildings with multi-forcing exerting on each of subsystem, no mater which aspect of the ideas to be investigated, multi-variable pathology is an significant methods in the coastal environment.

b) multi - discipline approach for decision Other than the multi-factors, there are many interest groups of coastal community, therefore, good solutions to any coastal issues can only be derived from multidiscipline approach.

Output of the analysis

I. Historical and real-time data with respect to natural hazards will be gathered by satellite remote sensing, aerial photographs and by other conventional means and integrated with Gis Rdbms. This results in an full, geo- database.

Ii. Through the modeling technique and by using the Gis Rdbms we can evaluate the likelihood of experiencing exact natural hazard in the future, and an evaluation of intensity and probable level of impact.

Each natural hazard will be evaluated for three characteristics:

1. Likelihood of Occurrence, i.e., staggering frequency;

2. Likely Range of Impact, i.e., predictable size and location of impact; and

3. Probable Level of Impact, i.e., estimated force and damage potential.

Iii. The level of severity of natural hazards will be quantified in terms of the magnitude of the occurrence as a whole (event parameter) or in terms of the effect the occurrence would have at a singular location (site parameter).

Iv. For quantitative natural hazard vulnerability, some weight value has to be added to the attribute column (slope, subsurface geology, current action, wave action, meteorology, wind action etc). The values that will be given in the attribute columns could be calculated with the help of the equation 1 modeled in Gis environment.

Natural hazard = (Wgeology + Wslope + Wwind + Wmeteo + Wsiesmisivity

+ Wgeomorphology + Wetc...) (1)

Based on the above formula, natural hazard vulnerability values could be retrieved by clicking on any land parcels from the coastal zone map. Such kind of values will have no meanings for the end users. To make the effect more acceptable, a separate domain is to be created in which the resultant values will be divided into three classes: very high, high, moderate and low hazard areas
Weights Class:

Values below than 30 Low hazard Area

Values in the middle of 30-40 Moderate Hazard Area

Values in the middle of 40-50 High Hazard Area

Values in the middle of 50-60 Very High Hazard Area

V. Hazard mitigation plan is to be industrialized and it will possess these five steps -

o identification of natural hazards that could impact the community,

o assessment of the community's vulnerability to natural hazards,

o assessment of the community's potential to reply to a natural disaster,

o assessment of the community's current policies and ordinances that sway hazard mitigation, and

o development of hazard mitigation strategies that can be implemented to reduce future vulnerability.

Vi. By using all the above factors site exact models for the evaluation of natural hazard vulnerability could be generated using Gis for U.S. Coastal zone. This will serve as an input for additional amendment of legislation involved with U.S coastal zone.


U.S. Coastal counties possess economic gain through natural resources, marine trade and business and economic loss through natural hazards, overexploitation and exponential people growth. About 80 percent of the losses were by meteorological events and 10 percent were by earthquakes and volcanoes. Hence in order to minimize the loss due to natural hazard a computer based geospatial database methodology is adopted for natural hazards data retrieval and to contribute national risk evaluation data to the state and local governments. Site exact models were proposed for U.S. Coastal zone by integrating Gis software and high-resolution remote sensing to quantify the large-scale risk and vulnerability. This modeling study could also be applied to developing countries such as India, Pakistan, Srilanka etc. For the natural hazard vulnerability evaluation in their coastal zones.

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