Saturday, August 4, 2012

Geometry: An Archetypal Form of communication

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The photo of Sound

Geometry: An Archetypal Form of communication

Years ago I noticed an uncanny correlation between
mantras and mandalas. A mandala is the photo or symbol
of an event or focus of worship, such as the Star of
Bethlehem, and a mantra is a sound regularly intoned for
centering and sense such as ohm. When Handel wrote his
classical Messiah, it was to celebrate the birth and life of
Christ. When the hallelujah chorus is sung, a exquisite five
pointed star or Star of Bethlehem is produced. Did Handel
knowingly create the music for this purpose? I don't believe
so. Still, somehow he tapped into a form, a geometry, and
intuited music that represented the geometry.

Geometry and Sound

My interest in this correspondence between the early
pictorial interpretations of sound patterns and frequencies
led me into a long and lasting research project. Just
how often does sound correspond with form? Is there a
sound to the Dna molecule? Could sound be generated
from the geometry? In other words, could some
mathematical formula yield a geometry of creation?

For most, geometry is a boring field studied in High
School. For others, it is the sacred path to the Ultimate. For
still others, it is a science that when applied covering of the
realm of pure abstraction (mathematical theory) is both
predictive and creative. That is, straight through the use of geometry,
functional troops can be directed such as geomagnetic or
electro-magnetic fields.

Geometry is the stuff of Pythagoras, Hermes, Thoth, and so
many more mystical thinkers that it is hard to overlook. In
every spiritual tradition, there is a path written in geometry.
The Sufi, in their dance, the Hebrew in their Cabbalah, the
Egyptian in their structures and sciences, the Greek in their
brotherhoods, doctrine and universities, the Rosicrucian,
the Mason, the Hindu, the Native American, and on and on
all honor and hire geometry both as a science and a
mystical path. Is it potential that a true archetype of a
universal nature begins in geometry itself? In other words,
is geometry the archetype?

Cymatics is the study of the sound of geometry (see my
book, Subliminal Communication, p60-61). Early
researchers used a stylus vibrating over a turn-table
covered with fine sand to photo sound. The stylus was
sensitive to frequency and signal strength. Thus, when a
sound was played, the turn-table turned and the stylus
vibrated. The result, a photo in sand. This formula was
laborious and time consuming, but it worked.

The Universe is kind and patient. For me, due to my interest
in this work, the chore was made much easier. Today I have
a great gismo in my studio that is essentially a
rotating arm full of light emitting diodes (Leds). The Leds
are sensitive to frequency and signal strength. They are
colorized over the spectrum to coincide with frequency
length. As such, when I put a sound into the spinning
light-bar, a color motion photo results. The continuous
geometry of sound in real time.

Over the past five years, using this rotating light-bar, I have
witnessed the math of the Dna helix, generated in sound
through a special software program, reproduce the
geometry of the helix on my light-bar. Indeed, using many of
the rates from Radionic research, I have seen what I believe
to be the organic geometry of cells, tissue, organs, and
more--but save all this for another issue.

Geometry of Creation

Back to the point at hand, geometry appears to be not only
an aspect of science and mysticism, but an archetype with
the power of what might be called a morphogenic field.
Biologists believe that morphogenic fields define the
characteristics of species and species differentiation. In
straight send terms, it is the morphogenic field that
accounts for why an acorn all the time becomes an oak.

The concluded behavioral scientist, Carl Jung, is
generally credited for the modern belief of archetypes. An
archetype is an needful image that universally
communicates without linguistic need. Dream images are
often belief of as having representative meanings
universal to all. These images are referred to as archetypes.

Archetypal imagery is powerful. It pulls at some level of
consciousness in ways that are meaningful but regularly
difficult to enumerate in words. Geometrical archetypes exist
everywhere and I am frankly puzzled as to why this is yet a
basically unexplored area of science.

Let's digress a little at this point and look at a very brief
history of geometry and science. It is instructive to perceive
that modern science has its beginning with Galileo Galilei.
He was the first to carry out systematic experiments and to
use mathematics to enumerate his work. To Galileo,
mathematics was geometry. Actually, at the time of Galileo,
there were two confident forms of mathematics available.
Geometry, and the math derived from early Indian
mathematicians known after its Arabic name given by the
Persians as algebra. Algebra is a theory of equations as
you all remember from your school days. Rene Descartes
combined these two systems thereby producing pictures of
equations in what is today known as analytic geometry. As
important to science as this was, it nevertheless fell short of
being able to deal with non-linear equations. This qoute
was solved by Isaac Newton a century later. To make a long
story short, for varied reasons mathematics tended away
from geometry until recently. Jules Henri Poincare is
credited with reversing this trend with a theory of optic
mathematics known as topology or "rubber sheet
geometry". It is upon this theory that the mathematics of
complexity lie. It is also in this theory of mathematics that
chaos theory demonstrates a higher order. Now, it is not in
the scope of our enquiry to spend the needful time to
adequately enumerate mathematics, but for those of you
interested, the best history, description and application of
historical mathematics as applied to modern science that
this author is aware of is given by Fritjof Capra in his
marvelous book, The Web of Life.

Here is the suspect for our digression. It is geometry that
makes sense out of our most modern theories in the
physical sciences. From the Nobel prize winning work of
Prigogine and his theory of dissipative structures to the
latest theories proposing an all life connectedness, a
network of life, a one ecology of life, the Gaia Hypothesis, or
the metaphor used by Capra, the web of life; the curious
self organizing nature of the planet--nature as alive. These
new theories are gaining prominence chiefly on the back of
mathematical models/geometry that expound order arising
from chaos. Not just order, but a higher order. It would seem
that not only does the law of conservation (nothing lost)
apply to nature, but when order seems to break down, it's
really reorganization destined for a higher order. An
apparently self organizing reorganization that reveals itself
as a geometric process.

Geometry as a Primordial Archetype

I return to my question, is it potential that geometry is the
primordial archetype? Is its elegance and simplicity capable
of ordering all in the universe? Is it due to this
ancient intuited knowledge, noetic wisdom, that so many
hold geometry as sacred? Could it be that when we know
the form we observe the function? Is geometry the language
of creation? precisely many can and have shown the
geometric progression from singularity to space/time
universe. Indeed, multi-dimensional theories currently so
popular in physics, together with the string theory, our most
promising hope for providing a normal unified theory, are
strongest in their motion when laid open by geometry.

Since I'm writing this article, I'll speculation an opinion. Geometry
is a underlying archetype. It is also more.

To that end, after showing many the supervene of geometrical
shapes simply organizing and changing, of fractals
collecting into a higher order, of shape and color generating
what many have perceived as the matrix, cookie cutter if you
will, of all that we know in our physical world and much of
what we suspect about, it was decided to join geometry with
our patented Whole BrainR InnerTalkTm technology and
create video tapes.

As with anything, as the new stock evolved, it was
tweaked. In the end, the geometry vibrates in permutation to
an overwhelming dance of color. It is stillness in motion to watch.
The rotating kaleidoscope of colors are used to hide
positive messages. Sometimes you see them as the color
changes, but unless you still frame your video they do not
normally enumerate their whole word content. So maybe one
sees the word "good" but misses the "I am" article in the
sentence--at least consciously. Of course, the research
shows your subconscious doesn't miss it.

The soundtrack, music and nature sounds, also carries the
positive messages. Additionally, we added tones and
frequencies with a canceling beat differential to entrain the
brain, slow down brain wave activity, and yield a natural
deep state of free time or altered consciousness. The best
part--they work. Our trial subjects, bankers, businessmen,
dental patients, secretarial and clerical persons, truck
drivers and so forth have all reported the same precisely
mesmerizing work on followed by a sense of personal
empowerment. (See insert page for more information).

Geometry For Health?

For me, this is a beginning. The use of geometry holds
many possibilities. Some of these are not abstract
mathematical methods for scientists. Deep down I sense
that the optic stimuli may even hold a new path to
wellness. Perhaps, I have theorized, if the geometry of a
healthy organ were presented together with its sound, that
somehow the body would imitate, mimic, vibrate or
sympathetically resonate to this sound photo and thereby
restore its own health. Somewhat analogous to tuning a
piano, tuning the body and mind straight through the sound photo
of organic geometry.

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