There are nine possible cataclysmic events for 2012 that would generate disaster conditions of a scale that humanity has never experienced before. We're talking millions, maybe billions of dead worldwide, and a breakdown of community that may take a thousand years to recover from If it ever recovers at all. But if you're properly ready all these scenarios are survivable. So as every good soldier knows, we need to get acquainted with the enemy, so we can frame out the best way to beat him.
Here they are in no single order
Unrestricted Global Nuclear War
There are a lot of bad guys out there these days with nuclear capability. From a survival point of view it doesn't matter who starts it or why, because the end succeed is the same - global cataclysm right from hell. So given your house survives the preliminary atomic blasts and their immediate effects, there are a combine of other major things to worry about - Radiation and the Nuclear Winter.
Atomic reactions generate radio-active particles which spread out from ground zero, and when they reach high altitude are fanned out by high-level winds. The radio-active particles finally make their way back down to earth as 'Fall-Out'. 'Fall-Out can cause burns and terminal radiation sickness, kill livestock and contaminate soil and the crops that are grown in it. A immense region nearby the Chernobyl Reactor in Russia is essentially dead ground forever, and that was just an itty-bitty reactor melt-down, not a multi-megaton airburst.
Nuclear winter
When you've got a lot of immense atomic explosions at ground level, an improbable whole of dirt and debris is going to be thrown up into the atmosphere - we're talking millions of tons of black radio-active dust swirling nearby ten miles high, blocking the sun from reaching the Earth's surface. We might not see the sun again for two or three years, and without it, it's going to get real cold and nothing's going to grow. Huge areas of the planet will turn into dust-bowls and sand storms will blast across Europe and North America.
However there will be places mostly in the southern Hemisphere and in the North that are far sufficient from blast zones to escape most of the radiation and fall-out, and are protected from most of the effects of the nuclear winter. That's where you want to you and your house want to be to maximize your occasion of staying alive in 2012.
Impact from Space
This is the very worst of all worst case scenarios. Either it's the difficulty planet Nibiru, a comet or a monster asteroid, having a immense Near Earth Object (Neo) smash into the Earth is all bad. So if you're ready to survive this you're ready for anything! Earth has experienced major Neo strikes many times before, and the biggest of all 65 million years ago made the dinosaurs extinct, overnight. If a Neo hits land we'll get a situation like the nuclear winter we talked about above, plus a devastating shock-wave, molten lava showers, earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions.
Not even all the atom bombs in the world going off all at once would have a millionth of the power of a Neo impacting our planet. The Neo Impact winter could last decades and plunge the Earth into a new ice-age. If a Neo lands in the ocean we'll get many tsunamis many hundreds of feet high, plus giant earthquakes caused by displacement of tectonic plates that make up the Earth's crust. Low-lying counties will be turned into fetid swamps, ravaged by disease.We're likely to get very exiguous warning of an asteroid attack - maybe only hours or even minutes because they travel so fast and are roughly imperceptible against the blackness of space.
On the other hand we may have any months to put in order for an impact by Nibiru or a comet. Unfortunately they are the least likely objects to hit us. So what will it be like in the aftermath of a Neo impact?
Arriving at the speed any thousand miles per hour a giant Seo will have sufficient power on impact to fracture the Earth's crust and splash molten lava from the core high into the atmosphere. A immense thousand degree shock-wave will also radiate outwards from Ground-Zero fully levelling trees and buildings for a hundreds of miles in every direction. In an ocean impact, seawater will combine with the lava to cause a super-heated steam blast, plus acid rain. This burning rain would continue falling for years, scouring away every living plant and contaminating all water sources (other than artesian springs in the mountains). To survive a immense Neo attack you'll need to be far underground, and far from the point of impact to stand any occasion at all. However there is still a good occasion that the Neo that hits Earth will not be a giant, and that increases your chances of survival massively - as long as you're ready that is. Otherwise, no matter where you are, it's time to kiss your ass goodbye.
Solar Flares
The sun is an colossal atomic reactor in the sky. Every now and then extra intense reactions in the sun's atmosphere occur and solar power spears out into space. That's a Solar Flare. Small Solar Flares are detected by astronomers all the time and normally don't influence us, because our atmosphere safely absorbs and deflects the extra radiation. But, if 2012 means a giant Solar Flare, the Earth's covering and all things on it could be barbequed in minutes by radiation spread across the whole electromagnetic spectrum. We'd have sufficient warning to get into bunkers, but only if they were very close by. How bad it will be for your house also depends Either it occurs in the night or day - you assuredly don't want to be covering at noon when a doomsday flare bursts overhead.
The good news is it's relatively easy to build a protection that will dispell roughly all the power of a Solar Flare, even a giant one, so surviving the event isn't necessarily the hard part. The real challenge will be staying alive afterwards in what's left of the world covering your shelter.
Super Volcano Eruption
Mount St Helens or Pinatubo are nothing compared to the dormant super volcano that forms Yellowstone National Park. An eruption there would kill millions and render a large portion of central North America uninhabitable. The rest of the world would suffer too from the colossal cloud of volcanic ash thrown up into the atmosphere, creating yet other nuclear winter scenario. However Yellowstone is just one location where super volcanoes are lurking ready to erupt, on land and under the ocean.
A monster undersea eruption would be even more deadly, triggering a super tsunami that would travel all nearby the world, wiping out entire countries as it goes, drowning millions and millions of people within hours. For most people in coastal areas, even low lying places inland, there would be no escape. However those families smart sufficient or just plain lucky sufficient to be in non-volcanic areas, on solid ground at over 1000 feet in elevation, will be in great shape - but for how long?
It's not a request of when 'the big one' will happen, but where and when. Major displacements of many of the world's biggest tectonic plates are well overdue - along with California's distinguished San Andreas Fault, which would kill millions in La and along the West Coast.
The very worst place to be in an earthquake is a city, especially in a high-rise building, or in the streets below. Damage from most earthquakes on land, even immense ones are normally quite localised, but if we get one under the sea we get a Tsunami.
The Indonesian Tsunami of Christmas 2005 killed over one hundred thousand people - drowned or crushed by falling buildings and tumbling debris, or dying later of disease and starvation. If you saw the footage of the Fbi carpark during the Samoa Tsunami in 2009 you'll take Tsunamis very seriously - and that was only 3 feet high!
I guess it's pretty determined where you want to be to avoid a giant Tsunami? Up very high, far away from the sea. The problem is, with this scenario like most of the others, the disaster itself is not the only threat - you need to be ready to deal with other people who've survived, but haven't ready for it like you have. Most of them will be desperate, and will want what you've got.
Super Virus or Bacteria
The biggest killers in recorded history have been diseases. The Black Plague of the 14th Century was an incurable bacteria spread by fleas living on rats. In some European towns up to 90% of the people was wiped out. Widespread in the 100 years of the Black Plague, 30% of the people of Europe died. And much more recently, within living memory in fact, the Influenza Pandemic of 1919 killed tens of millions all over the world.
New disease threats are arising all the time. We've handled Bird Flu and Swine Flu pretty well, but will 2012 be the year when the next real plague arrives. International air travel virtually guarantees its roughly instant global spread, especially to people living in big, overcrowded cities.
And that's the clue to survival in this scenario. Fit, healthy families who live in remote rural areas in clean, warm houses and have genuinely minimal touch with the covering world, should be feeling pretty good about their chances.
Polar Reversal
Polar Reversal where the magnetic field of the Earth swaps ends is a fact. It happens every 400,000 years or so, but what causes it is still unknown. Polar Reversal could be due to the influence of an undiscovered Black Hole nearby in space, or a immense sudden upsurge in electro-magnetic action on the sun.
Some 2012 experts believe a Polar Reversal will cause the Earth to start spinning in the opposite direction - a horrifying scenario resulting in immense electrical storms, tsunamis and earthquakes in every projection of the earth. Again the smart money is on surviving underground in the mountains. And preferably ancient mountains made of solid rock like the distinguished Appalachians.
Black Hole in Space
We touched on this scenario before, but now we'll get more specific. A Black Hole is what's left over when a giant dying star collapses into a very dense ball of Matter - a ball much smaller than our Moon. This stuff is so dense that a matchbox full of Black Hole Matter would weigh countless thousands of tons. And the thing is that it still has the immense gravitational pull of the huge star whose death created it. In fact, its gravity is so strong that it can swallow up whatever within millions of miles - it even pulls in light (which is why they are called Black Holes, because not even light can escape them).
A Black Hole suddenly appearing in space, even within any Light-Years of Earth would pull our entire solar system towards it, throwing the orbit of every planet out of kilter. We could collide with Venus, Mars or the Moon. Or the combined gravitational pull of the Black hole aligned with Jupiter and Saturn could rip us away from warmth of the sun, or send us plunging towards it. Either way, the covering of the Earth would swiftly come to be uninhabitable. The only place to survive would be underground in caves or bunkers.
Global Flooding
The Bible tells us that Noah had 100 years warning of the Great Flood and used his time to put in order for it, building the ark and collecting animals. We will not have the luxury of so much time to get ready if other great flood is going to engulf the world in 2012. nearby 60% of the world's people live in areas that would be totally submerged by a flood of only 20 feet high. That's roughly three billion people threatened with being drowned. The panic as they all try to get to higher ground simultaneously is roughly unimaginable. And for most of them higher ground will be beyond their reach.
Already the threat of Global Warming and the moderately rising sea levels that will come with it has lead a lot of people to think about the consequences for them and their loved ones if this scenario comes to pass. However a flood in 2012 would come much more suddenly - accompanied by immense hurricanes with hundred mile per hour winds and days of unrelenting torrential rain. Roads will be made impassable within hours. Remember Hurricane Katrina? This will be 1000 times worse.
So what could cause the next Great Flood? The most likely scenario is a near miss by Planet Nibiru. If Nibiru passes in the middle of the Earth and the Sun, its gravitational pull could upset the Earth's orbit pulling us closer to the sun, resulting in a rapid growth in air and sea temperatures. The warmer conditions would mean much faster evaporation of water into the atmosphere.
At the same time Nibiru's near miss would accelerate the speed that the earth spins, causing the Jet Stream (high altitude winds) to speed up as well. And as whatever who knows their weather can tell you, when rapidly rising, hot moisture-laden air and the Jet Stream meet you get one thing - Super Storms. And here's the thing, we won't get just one Super Storm. We'll get hundreds all over the world, with rain like no one has ever seen before, maybe not even Noah.
But that's not all. Even folks living on a lot of the Earth's higher ground won't be safe. Widespread catastrophic landslides would come hand in hand with the 2012 Great Flood. Sodden hillsides would give way without warning and plunge to the valleys below, carrying with them whole cities. In recent years landslides have killed countless thousands in South America and China.
The Alaskan Tsunami of 1963 was caused by landslide triggered by an earthquake. The end wall of a fjord collapsed into the water, sending a wave over 1000 feet high towards the ocean, obliterating all things in its path.
Of procedure the survival explication to this final scenario is pretty clear. Be in mountain areas where the high slopes are primarily made from solid, stable rock, and make sure to stay out of the valleys, which due to the heavy rain will rapidly come to be raging torrents.
Ok so that's the bad news. Now let's see what we can do about helping your house to survive the worst 2012 can throw at you.
2012 Disaster Scenarios - What Are the Terrible Events We Must prepare to Survive?
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